Monthly Archive: December Acce
ROM wins Ontario’s Accessible Tourism Award
The ROM is proud to announce that we have been honoured with Ontario’s Accessible Tourism Award at the 2015 Ontario Tourism Awards of Excellence. Creating access at the ROM is a journey which our Museum has embraced, and this recognition is a great testament to our direction.
Troy, Magnus, and the ROM: The Road to Independence
Did you know that an estimated 1 in 68 children are on the autism spectrum? Individuals with autism experience the world differently, and bustling cultural attractions like the ROM can be overwhelming for some of them. We want to improve that experience, and provide the tools necessary to help ensure that a visit to our museum inspires wonder and nurtures discovery, regardless of how you experience the world.
International Day of Persons with Disabilities
The ROM marks the United Nation’s annual International Day of Persons with Disabilities on December 3rd.
Accessibility Awareness Week 2013 Spotlight - Alexis Pastuch
Alexis Pastuch has been a member of the ROM’s Accessibility Advisory Committee since 2010
Accessibility Awareness Week Spotlight 2013 - Adam Roy Cohoon
Adam Roy Cohoon is an active member of the ROM's accessibility advocacy community
The ROM Celebrates Accessibility Awareness Week (May 26th to June 1st)
This week we will highlight some of the people who ensure the ROM is accessible for all.
The ROM Marks World Autism Awareness Day
April 2, 2013 is an historic day for the Canadian Autism community