
Monthly Archive: December Rese

How Drone Photography is Saving Wildlife

Posted: March 3, 2016 - 15:41 , by ROM
Research conducted by scientists from the NOAA Fisheries and the Vancouver Aquarium using the hexacopter to capture images of killer whales to assess their health. Photo from NOAA Fisheries.

Guest Blog written by Environmental Visual Communication student Lisa Milosavljevic

A number of photos in the Wildlife Photographer of the Year Exhibit make use of aerial photography techniques, including the use of drone photography. There is also a growing demand for its use in professional and academic fields as people are recognizing how drones can be a valuable tool in their work; one of these areas is wildlife conservation. Here we are going to look at the different ways in how drone photography is saving wildlife around the world, as well as some of the controversies and questions that this developing technology raises.

ROM in the Field: Bats, Barcoding, and a Baby

Posted: September 8, 2015 - 16:15 , by ROM
A tube-nosed bat (Murina cyclotis) in flight. Photo by Vincent Luk

ROM Biodiversity (@ROMBiodiversity) is in the fields and forests of Sri Lanka for an intense four weeks doing the first comprehensive survey of bats and other small mammals in close to 80 years. Follow the South Asian adventure on social media with #ROMSriLanka, and join Burton Lim and the Team LIVE from the field on September 10 at noon:  

The Monastery of St Moses, Syria: The Cave Survey

Posted: July 11, 2014 - 12:20 , by Robert Mason
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This cave would have been a home for one of the monks of the Deir Mar Musa community, the wall at the front of the photograph shows that they had a small terrace outside the cave, either for a living area or for growing food.

The monastery at Deir Mar Musa would not have just comprised the main buildings, the monks would actually have been dispersed in hermitages across the landscape.

The Monastery of St Moses, Syria: Introduction

Posted: June 17, 2014 - 15:32 , by Robert Mason
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View of the old monastery buildings from the South in 2004, with then Brother Jihad, a member of the monastery.

Robert Mason reports on his years of archaeological fieldwork at the Monastery of St Moses, Syria, in this blog series. 



A Fish With a Big Bang

Posted: June 11, 2014 - 13:00 , by ROM
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Illustration of Metaspriggina

New fossils reveal first hints of the evolution of jaws in primitive fish.

Study explores evolution of flightless birds

Posted: May 16, 2014 - 11:58 , by royal
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Allan Baker and colleagues from Royal Ontario Museum, University of Toronto and Ontario Institute for Cancer Research used genetic techniques to show that tinamous, small flying birds from Central and South America, evolved within the ratites group.

DNA confirms relationship between the giant flightless moa and the tinamous

Posted: May 13, 2014 - 12:46 , by royal
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One of the longest running debates in ornithology may finally  have an answer thanks to new ROM research published in science journal Molecular Biology and Evolution.

Kissing the Cod!

Posted: May 13, 2014 - 09:37 , by ROM
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A close up shot of the blue whales baleen.

Environmental communicator Jacqueline Waters shares more of her experience on the ground with the ROM team working to recover a blue whale carcass in NL.

My first day in Trout River, Newfoundland: ROM biologists arrive, town is curious

Posted: May 7, 2014 - 09:04 , by ROM
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A blue whale carcass lies upside down in the water near a rocky shoreline.

Jacqueline Waters shares her impressions from Day 1 of the ROM's efforts to recover a Blue whale specimen near Trout River, NL.

The ROM ‘Minoan’ Goddess: The Minoan Relations

Posted: April 8, 2014 - 11:12 , by ROM
Detail of the head of the ROM 'Minoan' Goddess

After looking at the best known of the dubious ‘Minoan’ figurines (which may be modern) in my last post, here I show some of the genuine Minoan objects discovered in archaeological excavations on Crete.