The Game Show at the End of the World

Posted: March 7, 2012 - 09:34 , by royal
Programs and Events, ROMkids | Comments () | Comment

Having laid awake for nights on end, the fabulous Dr. ROMulous and the ROM team have devised a new game show for March Break at the ROM (March 10 – 18). Inspired by Maya: Secrets of their Ancient World and Dr. ROMulous’s recent trip to Palenque, Mexico, The Game Show at the End of the World is a contest that will challenge your wits and tickle your funny bone!

The host, Dr. ROMulous, describes himself as a super hero of science and history. When not on archaeological expeditions in exotic lands, he works in a lab here at the Royal Ontario Museum. (Come back tomorrow to learn more about Dr. ROMulous!)

Game show contestants will be split into two teams representing night and day: The Jaguars and The Quetzal Birds. Each team will nominate a new volunteer for one of nine skill-testing and fun activities. At the end of the game show, Dr. ROMulous will announce the winning team and gloating may begin (the best prize ever!).

Dr. ROMulous’s Study Notes
Here are some hints from our favourite geeky host that will boost your chances of finishing on the winning team.

  • Can you find the Maya world on a map? There are archaeological sites in four different countries.
  • Cocoa had a special significance to the Maya and was integral to the economy. What was its value?
  • Brush up on your arithmetic — we just may test your Maya math skills!
  • The Egyptians weren’t the only ancient civilization to build great pyramids! You may be challenged to construct a pyramid like an ancient Maya expert!
  • Don’t forget to study the significant days in the Maya Calendar (such as the day it ends…)

March Break at the ROM runs from Saturday March 10 to Sunday March 18. Come on down for the End of the World game show showtimes at 12:30 pm, 1:30 pm and 3:30 pm all March Break long!