Inspiring Stories

Philanthropist Red Wilson establishes the permanently endowed ROM Curatorship of Canadian Art and Culture  

Ali Adil Khan and his wife Shehla have been collecting artworks depicting the Canadian wilderness and his South Asian heritage for over 30 years ago.

For savvy financial planners like Claude Tambu, the tax benefits of leaving a legacy gift at ROM are impossible to ignore. Add to that exclusive event invitations, behind-the-scenes access, relationships with ROM experts, and a community of like-minded supporters? The decision is easy!

Josephine Mary Breyfogle devoted over 35 years of service to ROM. By naming the Museum as a residual beneficiary in her estate plan, she ensured her legacy will last even longer.

Rob Pierce

An advocate of cultural philanthropy, Rob Pierce believes that institutions like ROM are critical parts of a flourishing cultural and economic ecosystem. Through almost 25 years of dedicated service and generous gifts to the Museum, including a bequest in his will, Rob is bolstering ROM’s impact on Toronto and Canada at large.

Thomas Charles Messecar Logan

As an elementary school teacher, Thomas Charles Messecar Logan was an inspiration to his students. And thanks to a generous gift to ROM in his estate, he will continue to inspire and enrich the lives of the next generation of museumgoers.

Flavia Redelmeier

A self-proclaimed “museum person,” Flavia Redelmeier has been a steadfast supporter of ROM for eight incredible decades. Her passion for textiles, dedicated service and generous gifts leave a remarkable legacy. 

A flair for fashion has inspired Joseph Wong in many ways throughout his life, including supporting design research and collections at ROM through gift-in-kind donations, as well as expendable funds during his lifetime and endowed funds in his estate. 

The late Danuta Buczynski was a passionate and long-time supporter of arts and culture – including the Royal Ontario Museum. A meaningful bequest in her estate ensures that her passion will live on at the Museum for many years to come.

The late Marnie Hunt had a lifelong passion for the arts. By including ROM in her will, she ensured that future generations of museumgoers will have the opportunity to share her appreciation.