Every now and then, a decision comes along that just makes perfect sense. For Claude Tambu, supporting the ROM was one of those rare occasions.
He joined ROM’s Young Patrons Circle (YPC) upon learning it would cost less monthly than a single visit with his nephew, was largely tax-deductible, and would afford him networking opportunities, behind-the-scenes access, unlimited visits and invitations to exclusive events.
Claude found himself enthralled with the constant discovery that ROM and YPC membership offered. “From eye-opening travel to conversations with ROM experts, every YPC experience gave me a deeper appreciation of the stories ROM seeks to tell,” says Claude.
These experiences had Claude hooked and from then on, he would talk up YPC to anyone who would listen. He was invited to make his role as a YPC ambassador official, going on to volunteer as a member of the Executive Committee, and finally serving as Chair for several years.
Now a father, Claude’s young daughter is growing to love ROM too (the dinosaurs, in particular). And as a family man, he’s thinking not only about his plans for the future, but how to keep the Museum a haven of discovery for future generations too. That’s where the Currelly Legacy Society (CLS) comes into the picture.
“I’m still young, but I was dabbling with my financial plans, wanting to get everything in order ahead of time,” says Claude. "I like to make sure every dollar counts, and supporting ROM with a legacy gift was a great way to maximize my impact while minimizing my taxes.” Yet another simple decision.
Claude’s future gift will support the Museum’s highest priorities. “Through YPC and CLS, I’ve met many of the people behind the scenes at ROM, and I trust them to put my money to good use, allocating it wherever it will be most useful,” he says. “I know first-hand the impact that both my planned gift through CLS and my ongoing support through YPC can have here. And on top of that, it just makes good financial sense. Win-win.”
A planned gift offers young donors a way of maximizing their impact in the future, with no financial commitment during their lifetimes. By making bequests in their estates, young donors join the Currelly Legacy Society and gain lifelong access to CLS’s full slate of exclusive ROM experiences and opportunities, on top of the many financial and tax benefits. To learn more about supporting ROM with a legacy gift, contact Janice Correa at janicec@rom.on.ca.