Survivor testimonies

Survivor testimonies from Cambodians living in Canada

As part of the ROM's journey to provide a full context for the Khmer Rouge period, local filmmaker Leib Kopman invited four Cambodians currently living in Ontario to share their stories. Videos and transcripts will be available on this site soon.

Survivor testimonies from Cambodians living around the globe


Holocaust Memorial Day Trust

DACHS Survivor Stories


Arun is one of the few child survivors from S-21

Monica explains how soldiers forced her family to leave their house and work on the rice fields

Sokhom Chum shares his experience in the labour camps and how he survived

The Prince Thomico Sisowat, a member of the deposed Royal Family who is not in favour of the tribunals

Vann Nath, a survivor of S-21, was a painter and human rights activist

Buo Meng, a young man who survived thanks to his ability to paint