
Viewing 11 - 20 of 26 results

Tout sur nos PokéStops!

Comme Pokémon GO se joue toujours partout dans le monde, Sarah Elliott, notre productrice de contenu éducatif, a pensé à vous donner plus de détails sur les PokéStops situés un peu partout au Musée. Certains joueurs ont pu constater que le GPS du jeu n’est pas aussi précis qu’ils

Merci de votre participation au concours Chats sauvages

Profitez d’une offre spéciale ! Économisez 15 % sur le prix d’entrée* Découvrez l’exposition phare Chats sauvages, qui est consacrée à l’univers mystérieux des félins. Achetez vos billets en ligne et inscrivez le code promo CONTEST 15. Téléchargez le coupon-rabais   * Offre en

Weapon Wednesday: Swords from the Philippines

Weapon Wednesday: Swords from the Philippines

The Philippines are a group of over 7,000 mountainous islands, mostly of volcanic origin, in Southeast Asia. They may be divided into three geographic areas: in the north is Luzon, mostly one large island and the location of the capital and most populous cities of the Republic, together known as

RRSP/RRIF/Pension Plans

Many people pay more income tax in their year of death than they do in any year during their lifetime. This may be due to additional income created by a deemed disposition of certain assets on death, as well as inclusion into income of registered retirement savings plans (RRSPs) or registered

REER/FERR/régimes de retraite

Pour beaucoup de gens, le montant d’impôts qu’ils doivent l’année de leur décès est supérieur à la somme qu’ils ont payée n’importe quelle autre année. L’une des raisons possibles serait le revenu supplémentaire produit par la disposition présumée de certains biens au

Weapon Wednesday: a Romano-Egyptian sword hilt

Weapon Wednesday: a Romano-Egyptian sword hilt

This object (910.175.328) is actually a part of a weapon, but a very important one, acquired before 1910 in Cairo by Charles Currelly and presently in the Eaton Gallery of Rome. It is the cast bronze hilt of a sword. It depicts a bird's head, which is actually the Horus falcon, as it has the

'The Elements of Armories': A Very Short History of Heraldry

'The Elements of Armories': A Very Short History of Heraldry

The colourful pennants and shields  carried by bold knights and courageous squires are known to us today from illustrated books and films telling stories of Robin Hood, or King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. But these bright emblems are more than decoration, and have long historical

A Story of Ghana: Exploring the Asafo Flags at the ROM

A Story of Ghana: Exploring the Asafo Flags at the ROM

In the modern sense, a flag has a number of meanings that ultimately culminate into being a symbol, representative of some form of pride- pride in one's country or province, or in a particular organization or entity. We fly the flag of our country when we visit other places to tell everyone