
Résultats 41 à 50 sur 701

Explore the Site

Besides post moulds, there are two main features made by Iroquoian peoples and found by archaeologists inside longhouses. These are fire pits or hearths, and storage pits. Below is an example of a floor plan of an Ontario Iroquoian longhouse. In this plan, the post moulds, hearths and storage pits

Tarifs et politiques

Camps et visites scolaires Les groupes nous visitant le week-end ou venant de l'étranger doivent s'adresser au  Service des visites de groupes.  Tarifs  Prix unique pour les élèves/étudiants, les enseignants et les superviseurs. Les participants au groupe ne peuvent pas payer

Imaging Longevity

By Ka Bo Tsang,  Assistant Curator, Chinese Paintings & Textiles This large painting done in a hanging-scroll format is from a royal hand, that of Cixi, the Empress Dowager (1835-1908). Directly or indirectly, this most powerful woman in China in the latter half of the 19th century was in

Phil Currie, the legend, my hero, is coming to the ROM!

One of the greatest experiences of my life occurred when I was just 7 years old. My mom took me for a week-long adventure to Alberta to visit Drumheller and the Badlands. The Badlands is an incredibly special place – the way only a barren, rocky and sandy place could be. Not only is it one

ROM Mycologists in the field

Posting by Kirstin Bourne Mushroom season has only just started and already ROM mycologists have been out in the field conducting research and searching for new specimens to add to the museum collection. Last week I got the chance to join Jean-Marc Moncalvo, the ROM’s Senior Curator of Mycology,

A surprise photograph from India

Mystery portrait in the ROM's collection, later revealed to be Sunder Shyam Chadha in the film “Chhottii Babhi,” 1951 Painted photograph sent by the Friendship Force of Nashik, Dilip Kumar in the film "Ram Aur Shyam," 1967 In 2011, I curated the exhibit Embellished Reality:

Gem of the Month: Canadian Diamonds

Posting by Brendt Hyde, Mineralogy Technician The discovery of diamonds in the 1990’s marked a beginning for Canada’s first diamond mine, the Ekati Diamond Mine, located in the Northwest Territories.  It also marked the beginning of the, still relatively young, diamond mining industry in

Words in Images

By Ka Bo Tsang, Assistant Curator – Chinese Paintings & Textiles Most people think of Chinese painting as artwork created by artists using special brushes in combination with ink and colour pigments to give shape to ideas on paper or silk through the adroit manipulation of lines, dots, and

Curiosity Makes Tracks on Mars

Posting by Brendt Hyde, Mineralogy Techncian   By 1:30 A.M. on August 6 th, 2012 1000 people had filled Time Square and 205 000 computers had tuned in to watch a car-sized rover land (or crash) on Mars.  The 2.5 billion dollar (USD) Curiosity rover is NASA’s latest engineering marvel.  It is

Facebook Features A Fishy Story!

When ROM Ichthyologist Dr. Hernan Lopez-Fernandez was unable to attend a 2011 expedition to the Cuyuni River in Guyana, he found other creative ways to collaborate with fellow scientists. Dr. Lopez-Fernandez enabled Devin Bloom, a U of T graduate student with extensive experience in Guyana