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Résultats 31 à 40 sur 47

Recuperating Fashion History 1700- 2000

Recuperating Fashion History 1700- 2000

Funded by the Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Insight Research Grant  Recuperating Fashion History 1700- 2000 sets out to examine and question the existing histories of fashion. It shows the dynamic, economic, social and cultural capital that fashion really held. It does

Le projet Photos de famille

Le projet Photos de famille

La photo de famille, c’est quoi, au juste? Comment influence-t-elle nos souvenirs? Que nous révèle-t-elle sur les expériences migratoires? Que nous raconte-t-elle sur nos histoires nationales? Le réseau FAMILY CAMERA NETWORK, dans lequel s'inscrit le projet appelé Photos de famille, est

Southern Alberta Dinosaur Project

Southern Alberta Dinosaur Project

The Southern Alberta Dinosaur Project (SADP), designed to fill in gaps in our knowledge of Late Cretaceous dinosaurs and study their evolution, is lead by palaeontologists David C. Evans (Royal Ontario Muserum) and Michael J. Ryan (Cleveland Museum of Natural History).  This project focuses on

Quilcapampa Virtual Dig

Quilcapampa Virtual Dig

In July and August 2015, a ROM-led excavation project is digging at Quilcapampa, a 1,400 year old town in southern Peru (learn more here about ROM archaeological research in this region).  Everything preserves on the Peru’s arid coast from mummies to maize cobs, and we are posting new

National Museum of Korea’s Digital Asset Project

National Museum of Korea’s Digital Asset Project

In 2015 the ROM was awarded funding from the National Museum of Korea, this organization supports programs for Korean galleries in overseas museums.  Over the years the Korean Galleries Overseas Support Program has collaborated with several institutions and participated in numerous projects,

Asteroids (Temporary Case Refresh)

Asteroids (Temporary Case Refresh)

Asteroids are rocky, left-over material from the formation of the solar system 4.5 billion years ago.  They are time capsules, preserving information about how the planets formed and perhaps even the origins of life.  This new asteroid display will showcase unique samples from the ROM’s

Les astéroïdes

Les astéroïdes

Les astéroïdes sont des roches datant de la formation du système solaire il y a 4,5 milliards d’années. Telles des capsules témoins, ils nous renseignent sur la formation des planètes et peut-être même sur l’origine de la vie. Cette nouvelle installation sur les astéroïdes réunit

Zuul, Destroyer of Shins

Meet Zuul crurivastator, a new armoured dinosaur! Zuul ’s skeleton is one of the most complete ever found for an ankylosaur, and has an amazingly preserved spiky tail and tail club. Meet Zuul Scientific Name: Zuul crurivastator Pronunciation: ZOOL (like ‘school’) CRER-eh-vass-TATE-or Name

Le ROM aide à résoudre un des mystères de Mars

Le ROM aide à résoudre un des mystères de Mars

Comme on peut le lire dans le numéro de la fin juillet de la revue scientifique de renom Nature, une équipe dirigée par Kim Tait, conservatrice de minéralogie du Musée royal de l’Ontario, a conclu de façon définitive le débat qui divise les experts depuis longtemps: l’âge des

Portable Bits of Divine Energy

Portable Bits of Divine Energy

Pilgrim tokens or “portable bits of divine energy” were made from the sanctified earth found at pilgrimage sites and stamped with sacred images. They were valued for their power to avert evil and cure an ailment when consumed or when mashed with a liquid and applied to an afflicted area of the