
Résultats 101 à 110 sur 498

Primary Sources of Information about the Age of the Pyramids

The Age of Pyramids  We know more about the Ancient Egyptians than any other ancient civilization. Scribes of the Old Empire Tombs are major primary sources of information about Ancient Egypt. The Ancient Egyptians believed that death was not the end; there was an afterlife. This afterlife would

Secondary Sources

The Palermo Stone Originally, this large stone contained a record of the activities of the kings of Egypt from the First Dynasty to the beginning of the Fifth. The height of the Nile's annual inundation, festivals, gifts from the king to the gods, and wars were recorded. Compiled during the


Anicent Eyptain Vocabulary  Stelae: These are slabs of stone which usually have a picture and the name of the person pictured. Many of these were placed in tombs, often in the shape of a doorway (a false door). The information is usually the name of the tomb-owner, his titles, and sometimes

Royalty and the Court

Who is Who? A-C Aa-akhti:  Third Dynasty. Chief Architect and Royal Governor. Aa-akhti was wealthy and powerful. He was able to command a fine artist to carve decorations for his mortuary chapel. An image of Aa-akhti himself, dressed in an unusual long kilt, and surrounded by clear and lively


Farming  Ancient Egyptians saw their country as "Two Lands". Kemet, the Black Land, was the name given to the fertile area near the river, and Deshret, the Red Land, referred to the desert. The ancient Egyptians believed that their country had once been two separate states: the Delta in

Plants and Animals of the Nile

  Plants and Animals of the Nile The ancient inhabitants of the Nile were closely aware of their physical surroundings, especially the other living things in the valley. Egyptian art is filled with wonderful pictures of the animals and plants that the Ancient people knew and loved. Because of the


  Ancient Egypt Vocabulary    S telae: These are slabs of stone which usually have a picture and the name of the person pictured. Many of these were placed in tombs, often in the shape of a doorway (a false door). The information is usually the name of the tomb-owner, his titles, and sometimes

ROM Volunteer Profile: Patricia Harris

Patricia Harris is a true testament to the profound impact of volunteerism.  Who could have imagined that when Mrs. Harris – Pat to the many people who work with her – started volunteering with the ROM in 1958, she would not only stay with the commitment for over five decades, but would have a

Make your own Mummy

Make Your Own Mummy! For this project you will need: Plasticene Plaster of paris bandages Paint (acrylic will work best-- BUT it doesn't wash off, so be careful) Paintbrushes Scissors The right attitude Step 1 Take a lump of plasticene or modeling clay and work it between your hands until it

NEW Discovery: A Bone-headed Dinosaur the size of a Dog

This week the prestigious scientific journal Nature Communications reported the discovery of a new species of dinosaur, Acrotholus audeti.  It is the oldest bone-headed dinosaur ever unearthed in North America. The unusual dog-sized, plant-eating dinosaur was discovered by palaeontologists Dr.