
Résultats 61 à 70 sur 742

Ancient Egypt Weekend! OR How a mummy, NOT a dinosaur, got me into teaching.

I started volunteering at the Royal Ontario Museum when I was 14. After a few summers of being a camper at Summer Club, I was old enough to start volunteering. Volunteering at Summer Club turned out to be an incredibly magical experience for me, and eventually led to me to where I am today! One of

#ROMSpace Weekend is out of this world!

Space has always been pretty important to me. In fact, my 3rd memory in LIFE is watching an episode of Star Trek The Original Series. I love the unknown of space, how everything is so distant, and special and new. From the Asteroid Belt, sorry little Pluto, space travel of the final frontier and

A Moon Walk at the ROM

It’s an elite group of people that have walked on the moon, but this weekend you will have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to share the experience with Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin (or at least the image of them – Neil is reflected in Buzz’s space helmet).  Space Weekend, May 5 – 6

Dinosaur Weekend is finally here!

I feel like my whole life has been leading up to THIS moment. Reenacting the Tyrannosaurus Rex/Jeep chase scene from Jurassic Park (also having WAYYY too much fun). And showing off some very awesome South American theropod teeth to show off and touch PLUS MORE! My mom says my first love in life was

Archaeology Weekend: Meet your Museum Heroes!

I can’t wait for Archaeology Weekend (April 14 – 15). It’s REALLY going to be special. BUT! Before we get there, let me tell you a story! One of the most vivid memories I have from my childhood experiences visiting the ROM involved interacting with actual professionals who brought the cool

“A Rolling Stone Gathers no Moss” but the stories they can tell…

Submitted by Vincent Vertolli, Assistant Curator Geology In September of 1959 Dr. Walter Tovell, Curator of Geology was contacted by the operators of a limestone quarry to find out whether the ROM would be interested in a very unusual boulder they found. Normally when a geologist hears of a

A Magical Place named Wide Waters

On a chilly February evening, Dr. David Stuart of the University of Texas at Austin shared his enthusiasm for the Maya site of Palenque, and took the ROM audience to a very different time and place. His lecture, entitled Palenque: The Art and History of an Ancient Maya Court, covered several

Does a mild winter mean more insects?

Given our warmer-than-average winter this year, ROM entomologists have fielded numerous enquiries about whether mild winter temperatures will result in more bugs this spring and summer. Unfortunately, there is no simple “yes” or “no” answer to this question  — the best response is “It

Age Before Beauty: The Acasta Gneiss and Jack Hills Conglomerate

Submitted by Vincent Vertolli, Assistant Curator Geology The Jack Hills Conglomerate, a 3,000 million year old sedimentary rock from which the oldest, at 4,200 million years, terrestrial minerals have been found. The Jack Hills Conglomerate occurs in the Mt. Narryer and Jack Hills area of Western

Dr. A. P. Coleman (1852-1939)

Dr. A. P. Coleman (1852-1939)

Submitted by Vincent Vertolli, Assistant Curator Geology Dr. A. P. Coleman was appointed Director of the Museum of Geology in 1913 to join five other museums, Archaeology, Mineralogy, Palaeontology and Zoology which came to be known as the Royal Ontario Museum. Dr. Coleman is considered one of