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Résultats 881 à 890 sur 917

Science, Art and Technology: An Interview with Deborah Samuel

Lizard.I © Deborah Samuel 2012/Courtesy of the Royal Ontario Museum. On the surface, the works in  Elegy: Deborah Samuel appear to reveal a strictly naturalist approach to representing biological remains. However, these striking images of animal skeletons, ten of which are ROM specimens, tell

Bobdownsite; an honour to honour

Bobdownsite. I was lead author on a manuscript recently describing a new mineral called bobdownsite, ideally Ca 9 Mg(PO 4) 6 (PO 3 F), from the Big Fish River, Yukon Territory. The ROM has been very involved in describing rare minerals from this region for over 40 years. Al Kulan and associate

Building Blocks of the ROM

Submitted by Vincent Vertolli, Assistant Curator Geology Opened in 1933, the addition facing Queen's Park features materials found in Ontario quarries. The Rotunda part of the familiar west wing of the ROM facing Queen’s Park Drive was, for many years, the main Entrance Hall. For countless

Unearthing the oldest dinosaur nesting site

Fig. 1. Reconstruction of a Massospondyus nesting site. Courtesy J. Csotonyi Today, an international team that includes leader University of Toronto at Mississauga palaeontologist Dr. Robert Reisz and myself announced the discovery of the oldest known dinosaur nesting site, detailed in a article

“That’s Not a Kayak!”: Form, Function, and Cultural Appropriation

By Kenneth R. Lister Kenneth R. Lister is the Assistant Curator of Anthropology in the Department of World Cultures. Read on for a preview of what he’ll be talking about on February 3, 2012 at the 33rd Annual ROM Research Colloquium. Kayak Frames. Sisimiut, Davis Strait, Greenland. Photograph: K.

Walking in a Winter Wonderland

Here for ROM for the Holidays, it’s the long-awaited return of the Earth Rangers Studio Winter Wonderland in Life in Crisis: the Schad Gallery of Biodiversity! A beautiful sight, we're happy tonight... (It took so long to hand-paint all these trees! My wrist hurt for ages.) For the past

Next Stop Mars! New NASA Rover Launched

By Brendt Hyde, Mineralogy Technician Curiosity starts its journey towards Mars! (Image Credit NASA/Scott Andrews/Canon) On November 26, 2011 at 10:02 am EST, NASA successfully launched its next rover, Curiosity, towards Mars. As discussed on the ROM Blog in November, Curiosity will help to

Green with Envy

Every day at the museum is a good day, but when a new object-specimen gets added to the collection, it is a great day.  It was a particularly stellar day in Earth Sciences when we were able to acquire this lovely princess cut, 23.24 carat peridot from Myanmar (Burma). 23.24 carat peridot from

6 Holiday Gift Ideas for Museum Lovers

‘Tis the season of giving, so we thought we’d share some of our favourite ROM-themed gift ideas with you! There's something for everyone at the ROM. 1. Wrap up a ROM membership Starting at only $54 for students, ROM membership offers a world of experiences that last long after the holidays

“They Were Hoist By their Own Petard”

They organized extravagant spectacles, each more lavish than the next. They built imposing monuments, ever larger to outdo their predecessors and rivals. Over centuries, the Maya leaders elevated themselves far above their subjects. Yet in the end, these all-powerful rulers were caught in a trap of