
Viewing 901 - 950 of 3125 results

Exploring Shanghai Kaleidoscope

Exploring Shanghai Kaleidoscope

Christopher Phillips, curator of Shanghai Kaleidoscope, shares his passion for Shanghai's art, architecture and fashion design in this provocative exhibition on display at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto until November 2, 2008. Selected pieces from the exhibition highlight the high-speed,

Exploring the Trees of Ontario

Exploring the Trees of Ontario

Note: Workshop is for an Adult Audience. This workshop is for participants ages 18+. Exploring the Trees of Ontario  Sunday, August 10, 2024, 1:00 pm- 4:30 pm Explore our region’s trees and get to know the green canopy above us. With ROM’s new Field Guide to Trees of Ontario as the foundation,

Exposing the ROM ‘Minoan’ Goddess

Exposing the ROM ‘Minoan’ Goddess

I’m very excited to announce that a short video about the ‘Minoan’ Ivory Goddess has just gone live!  The Minoan Goddess Exposed gives everyone a close look at the controversial ivory figurine, focusing on her surface appearance and what is going on underneath her clothes. Read More  ►

Facebook Features A Fishy Story!

When ROM Ichthyologist Dr. Hernan Lopez-Fernandez was unable to attend a 2011 expedition to the Cuyuni River in Guyana, he found other creative ways to collaborate with fellow scientists. Dr. Lopez-Fernandez enabled Devin Bloom, a U of T graduate student with extensive experience in Guyana

Faces to Remember: Chinese Portraits of the Ming and Qing Dynasties (1368 – 1911)

Faces to Remember: Chinese Portraits of the Ming and Qing Dynasties (1368 – 1911)

Currently on display in the Herman Herzog Levy Gallery from May 18, 2013 to February 23, 2014 is the exhibition Faces to Remember: Chinese Portraits of the Ming and Qing Dynasties (1368 – 1911).  Located on Level 1 of the ROM’s Philosophers’ Walk building, the Levy Gallery is the

Facing Histories: A Block Maker, a Dye Specialist, and a Textile Study Room

Facing Histories: A Block Maker, a Dye Specialist, and a Textile Study Room

This guest post was written by Rajarshi Sengupta, ROM IARTS fellow 2017/18.  Master block maker Gangadhar Kondra was leaning over the table to closely examine a cotton hanging intricately adorned with block-printed designs, in the textile study room of the Royal Ontario Museum. This was his first

Fact & Falsehood in Ancient Roman and Greek objects

This coming weekend at the ROM (June 9-10) we will have Ancient Rome and Greece Weekend! There will be re-enactors demonstrating and displaying arms and armour, ROM experts and objects, an archery range with more re-enactors, and a myriad of activities including make a lucky “bulla”, creating

Fact? or Fiction?

Fact? or Fiction?

The devious curatorial staff of Toronto's Royal Ontario Museum attempt to outwit participants at Fact? or Fiction?, an annual guessing game and fundraising event in support of the ROM research endowment fund. For tickets visit Going into its 12th year, Fact? or

Fact? or Fiction? 2009

Fact? or Fiction? 2009

Fact? or Fiction? 2009 was another roaring success! The annual guessing game and fundraising event helps support the ROM research endowment fund. For one evening each year, devious curatorial staff attempt to outwit participants at a game of Fact? or Fiction?. Visit for

Fact? or Fiction? Get Real!

Fact? or Fiction? Get Real!

Toronto's premier annual trivia event! Spend a fun-filled night of intrigue and mystery at the Museum with Royal Ontario Museum curators. Enjoy a tasty buffet and bar, and play a hilarious guessing game to determine the authenticity of rarely seen objects from the ROM vaults...and you could

Faites du bénévolat

Nous vous proposons plusieurs façons d’être bénévole au Musée royal de l'Ontario. Pour en savoir plus sur l'engagement du ROM envers ses bénévoles cliquez ici.

Faites du bénévolat au ROM !

Faites du bénévolat au ROM !

Faites du bénévolat au ROM! Vous avez une passion pour l’art, la culture et la nature ? Rejoignez les rangs du Service des bénévoles du Musée (SBM) qui rassemble une équipe de bénévoles dévoués au ROM. En devenant bénévole, vous mettrez vos talents au service du ROM et vous

Faites un don

Share the Magic of the Season Find the perfect way to share your love of the ROM with Gifts of Wonder for family and friends. Give a meaningful gift to someone special on your list while supporting educational programs at the Museum. When you give a Gift of Wonder, you help children and youth

Faites un investissement

Les gouverneurs réunissent les fonds dont ont tant besoin certains secteurs du ROM. Grâce au soutien indéfectible de ses bienfaiteurs, le ROM favorise la découverte et suscite l’émerveillement depuis plus d’un siècle. En soutenant le Musée, vous investissez dans un établissement

Faites un legs

Les legs sont importants pour le ROM: ils constituent la manière la plus simple et la plus courante de faire un don au Musée. Le legs est un engagement pour l’avenir qui n’affecte pas vos finances puisque, de votre vivant, vous avez accès aussi bien au capital qu’à son usufruit. Pour

Family Camera: Mystery Missionary

  by Aliya Mazari, M.A. student, Photography Preservation and Collections Management, Ryerson University Many family photos in museum collections have been separated from their family histories, thus falling into the category of “orphaned” photos. Why does this separation happen? Does the

Family Fun at the ROM

Family Fun at the ROM

Families love March Break at the ROM!  Every year, fun and family-friendly activities make this one of the most popular times to visit.

Family Plan for March Break 2015!

Family Plan for March Break 2015!

For March Break this year we’ve decided to try to see as much of the world as we can without using our passports! First up? At least one visit to the ROM! Luckily the ROM has a ton of special March Break programming that looks fun and family-friendly. The programming is running for the full week

Family Tour

Tour Development in Progress Thanks for visiting us! We are currently in the midst of developing our ROM Family Tour, and will be doing a test launch in a few weeks. Please come back to help us find any gremlins that still persist. We'd love to hear from you!

Fantastic Folding Fan Leaf

By Ka Bo Tsang, ROM Assistant Curator, Chinese Pictorial Arts Wu Huizhang wrote Tang-dynasty poems onto this folding fan, showing exceptional levels of concentration, writing skill, and compositional skill. In this age when the electric fan and air-conditioning provide us instant relief from the


Farming  Ancient Egyptians saw their country as "Two Lands". Kemet, the Black Land, was the name given to the fertile area near the river, and Deshret, the Red Land, referred to the desert. The ancient Egyptians believed that their country had once been two separate states: the Delta in

Farms, Cities, Animals, and the Museum

Farms, Cities, Animals, and the Museum

Guest blog by Environmental Visual Communication student Teghan Dodds Goats are not something you’d expect to see within the confines of the city, and especially not on Toronto’s Bloor Street with its upscale shops and prestigious historical buildings. Yet, cities depend on agricultural

Fashion Crime Stoppers

Fashion Crime Stoppers

On April 10 th a distinguished panel of fashion industry insiders will converge upon the Royal Ontario Museum for a debate on some of fashion’s most controversial issues including megabrands, globalism, fast fashion, the pressures of the fashion industry, the business of fashion and what it means

Fashion Follows Winning Form

Fashion Follows Winning Form

The ROM’s Fashion Follows Form exhibition, which was featured in ROM magazine in the Summer 2014 issue, has won The Richard Martin Exhibition Award, an annual award given by the Costume Society of America.    In her article “Fashion Follows Form: Patterning a Relationship Between Function and

Fashion in Shanghai Kaleidoscope

Fashion in Shanghai Kaleidoscope

Sally Wenba Wu introduces the work and unique style of some of Shanghai's leading fashion designers on display in the exhibition Shanghai Kaleidoscope at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto until November 2, 2008. Shanghai's rapidly changing culture inspires more then just personal style

Fashion: A Canadian Perspective

Fashion: A Canadian Perspective

Historical essays on Canadian fashion Fashion: A Canadian Perspective is a book of historical essays on Canadian fashion that is the first to draw together new research on Canadian fashion design, fashion advertising and consumption. This book breaks new ground in that it discusses not only the

Fashionable synergies: the handweaving arts of the Western Indian Ocean World

Fashionable synergies: the handweaving arts of the Western Indian Ocean World

It is now widely recognized that cloth has linked the world for centuries, if not millennia, and driven much of the global economy since ancient times. The desire to adorn oneself and one’s home in sturdy or beautiful textiles has driven humans to trade across thousands of miles, and to develop

Fashioning a Legacy at the ROM

Fashioning a Legacy at the ROM

Dr. Marian Fowler is a celebrated biographer renowned for her intimate portraits of individualistic women of style and substance. She herself collects vintage costume jewellery and has written about such fashion icons as Marlene Dietrich, Wallis Simpson, and Jackie Kennedy. Although she has many

Fear for Adults and Fascination for Kids: Spiders and Friends Day at The Hospital for Sick Children

Written by Mark Bernards, Environmental Visual Communications student   We all know someone who is terrified of spiders. Maybe it’s a friend, or a family member, or maybe it’s you! But I’m sure we can all think of someone we know who panics at the first sign of anything crawling across the


FELIX You are Felix, a slave who was a cook in a wealthy Pompeian household. You and your son were bought by the same owner, but your son now works on the owner's huge farming estate in the Campanian countryside. You stayed at your duties until the rainfall of debris became too heavy too

Filming/Photography Form

If you are a media outlet, student, blogger or documentarian and you would like to request to shoot video of ROM experts, galleries or objects, please fill out this form. NOTE: This form is not for producers or scouts seeking permission/access to use ROM as a location. Location requests can be

Find the Baby Bison Contest

Find the Baby Bison Contest

Contest now closed. A baby bison is missing from the herd and we need your help to find the calf! Brought to you by the Bison Collaborative: Earth Rangers, Parks Canada, Royal Ontario Museum and Toronto Zoo.