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Viewing 1 - 10 of 61 results
Donors Endow ROM Curatorship of North American Archaeology
From left: Gino Vettoretto, Isabel Alves-Vettoretto, and Christian Vettoretto One ROM curator can touch thousands of lives through the collections they develop, the exhibitions they curate, the students they mentor, the courses they teach, and through their own path-changing research and
ROM Entomologist Leaves An Intellectual Legacy
Glenn and Carol Wiggins’ estate furthers research in perpetuity From a young age, Glenn Wiggins (1927–2013) was fascinated by “the little things that run the world.”* His love of insects led to a distinguished career as ROM curator of entomology and decades of global fieldwork on
A Lifelong Passion for ROM
Doug Gibson has loved the ROM since childhood. Some of his earliest memories are of going to the Museum with his mother in the early 1950s, which sparked a lifelong fascination with natural history. “Back then, they had a crystal cave in the geology gallery,” he recalls. “When you looked into
ROM Celebration 2024
Celebrating Volunteerism and Philanthropy On June 5, 2024, ROM warmly welcomed almost 400 guests for its annual ROM Celebration event. Now in its 27th year, this beloved tradition celebrates the many dedicated supporters and volunteers whose generosity enables extraordinary exhibitions, curatorial
Janice Price nommée directrice générale des gouverneurs du ROM
À la suite d’une vaste recherche internationale menée en collaboration avec Isaacson, Miller: Executive Search, le Conseil des gouverneurs du Musée royal de l’Ontario est heureux d’annoncer la nomination de Janice Price au poste de directrice générale des gouverneurs du ROM, la fondation
Janice Price appointed President and CEO of ROM Governors
Following an extensive international search in collaboration with Isaacson, Miller: Executive Search, the Royal Ontario Museum Board of Governors is pleased to announce the appointment of Janice Price as the new President & CEO of ROM Governors, the foundation responsible for philanthropic
Célébration au ROM – 2024
Célébrer le bénévolat et la philanthropie Le 5 juin 2024, le ROM a chaleureusement accueilli près de 400 invités pour son événement annuel de célébration au ROM. Aujourd’hui dans sa 27e année, cette tradition très appréciée célèbre les nombreux sympathisants et bénévoles
Beloved Assistant Curator Inspires Generous Gift to ROM Palaeontology Department
Janet Waddington was a cherished ROM staff member for over 40 years. Even after her passing in 2020 following a courageous battle with pancreatic cancer, her legacy continues to flourish, leaving a lasting impact on her colleagues and the Museum. “Janet had a deep passion for fossils,” says
ROM Announces Plan to Reimagine the Museum for the Future
In February 2024, ROM proudly announced the launch of OpenROM, a multi-faceted initiative that will dramatically open the Museum up even more to the public, creating a thriving cultural and civic hub in the heart of the city. Grounded in ROM’s overarching vision to further enhance visitor
Planned Gift reflects couple’s passion for the ROM
Blanche and Wes Mitchell shared many passions in their life together: the arts, learning, and travelling—but chief among them all was the Royal Ontario Museum. They loved the ROM so much they left a significant gift to the Museum in their wills—making them members of the Currelly Legacy Society