
Viewing 681 - 690 of 3081 results

Veni, Vidi, Vici- A Weekend to Remember

Veni, Vidi, Vici- A Weekend to Remember

By Natasha Ali & Lindsay Britton We’re student interns working in the Centre of Ancient Cultures this summer. This month we had a chance to see what really goes on behind the scenes in the build-up to public events at the ROM, when we took part in Ancient Rome and Greece Weekend  on June 15

Game Jam 2015 FAQs

+ What is a game jam? From Wikipedia: “A game jam is a gathering of game developers for the purpose of planning, designing, and creating games within a short span of time. Game developers are generally made up of programmers, game designers, artists, and others in game development-related

Oh Canada! Celebrating our history

Oh Canada! Celebrating our history

Recently, the Hon. James Moore, federal Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages, announced the creation of a new initiative: Canada History Week. Its goal is to help make history more accessible to all Canadians and particularly to youth. It is only fitting that we should mark this

Stories from 2B- Talking about Canadian History

Stories from 2B- Talking about Canadian History

Canada Day this year, apart from providing the fireworks-induced impetus for many a barking dog, also marked the beginning of the first annual Canadian History Week. Being that I am not from Canada but from a completely separate continent in a completely separate hemisphere you might think me

KidCam in the CIBC Discovery Gallery

KidCam in the CIBC Discovery Gallery

Follow some of our youngest visitors as they explore the CIBC Discovery Gallery here at the Royal Ontario Museum.

Ontario BioBlitz

Ontario BioBlitz

Bringing together species experts, citizen scientists, as well as the general public and a host of volunteers, the Ontario BioBlitz links a series of biodiversity inventory events across Ontario that aim to showcase the species richness we can find right in our own backyards. The flagship GTA event

An Ivory Triptych

An Ivory Triptych

Every once in a while, well actually more on a very regular basis, some amazing artifacts come to our studio to be photographed. Last week, Jennifer Kinnaird of the Western Art and Culture Dept, European Decorative Arts section, brought me an ivory artifact to photograph. It is a hinged triptych,

Getting Our Game On

Getting Our Game On

From August 9 to 11, the ROM will be hosting a horde of keen electronic game programmers, designers, artists, coders and other wizards for our first-ever “ game jam.” Inspired by the age-old concept of the musical “jam session” in which a bunch of musicians gather together to create

Descriptive Audio Tour: Transcript

Introduction When you hear the word Iraq, what images spring to mind? Desert landscapes? Military trucks? The events of the 20 th and 21 st centuries, from the First Gulf War to the American Invasion in 2003, have coloured how many of us view this part of the world. Five thousands years ago,

ROM Student Story Contest

Kids are welcome and encouraged to outsmart the adults (suggested age of 10+). This year, students between the ages of 9 and 11 are invited to participate in a ROM Student Story Contest. Tell us a story about your favourite visit to the ROM for a chance to win tickets to Fact or Fiction and go