
Viewing 641 - 650 of 657 results

The Evans Connection Part 1: The Minoans Discovered

I pick up the story of the Ivory ‘Minoan’ Goddess to discuss why the ROM, or indeed anyone, believed that the figurine was genuine (or why she was created, if she is fake). In essence, this was based on the opinion of one man, Sir Arthur Evans (as I explain in an earlier post), but to

10 Birds You'll Love More Than Flappy Bird

10 Birds You'll Love More Than Flappy Bird

Is your high score below 10? Are you constantly crashing into those nauseating green pipes? Behold Flappy Bird, a frustratingly repetitive and highly addicting flash game about a bird who depends on you to navigate through Super Mario-esque pipes. The instructions are undefined, but the game is

DNA confirms relationship between the giant flightless moa and the tinamous

DNA confirms relationship between the giant flightless moa and the tinamous

Bringing a historical debate into the genomic age Why did the ratite cross the supercontinent?  The beginning of a joke or part of one of the longest running debates in ornithology (the study of birds)?  The large flightless birds known as the ratites currently include the ostrich from Africa,

The Monastery of St Moses, Syria: Introduction

The Monastery of St Moses, Syria: Introduction

Deir Mar Musa, or the Monastery of St. Moses, can be found about 90 km north of Damascus in the desert Qalamoun Mountains, isolated between the road from Damascus to Homs/Hama/Aleppo and the road from Damascus to Palmyra-Tadmor. The nearest town is al-Nabk, or Nebek, 10.4 miles or 6.5 km to the

Blue Whale Research

Blue Whale Research

Scientific study and preservation continue for the ROM’s Blue Whale Guest blog by Jacqueline Miller, Mammalian Technician The blue whale is the largest animal known to have ever lived. What are the advantages to being so large? What are the disadvantages? There are advantages to being large,

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Share the Magic of the Season Find the perfect way to share your love of the ROM with Gifts of Wonder for family and friends. Give a meaningful gift to someone special on your list while supporting educational programs at the Museum. When you give a Gift of Wonder, you help children and youth

Erasing History: Ancient Artifacts Destroyed

Erasing History: Ancient Artifacts Destroyed

By Clemens Reichel, Sascha Priewe, and Sheeza Sarfraz It has become a cliché to say that “history is written by the victors,” but rarely does one note that it is not only written, but edited as well. Just as governments massage facts for the evening news and tightly control who speaks with

Descriptive Audio Tour: Transcript

Introduction When you hear the word Iraq, what images spring to mind? Desert landscapes? Military trucks? The events of the 20 th and 21 st centuries, from the First Gulf War to the American Invasion in 2003, have coloured how many of us view this part of the world. Five thousands years ago,

In Hot Water – the Ongoing Debate on Bottled Water Extraction in Ontario

In Hot Water – the Ongoing Debate on Bottled Water Extraction in Ontario

Guest blog written by Environmental Visual Communication student Chelsie Xavier-Blower In the quiet countryside of the county of Wellington, echoes from a clash between the local community and mega-corporation Nestlé still linger in the air. Starting in 2015, the debate over Nestlé’s water

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