
Viewing 521 - 530 of 588 results

In Conversation with the Hon. Jean Augustine about “Exploring Black Feminine Identity” at the ROM

In Conversation with the Hon. Jean Augustine about “Exploring Black Feminine Identity” at the ROM

This Sunday, October 18 at 12:30 pm, join a panel of leading Canadian cultural critics as they explore the historical and contemporary constraints that can and have shaped Black female identity in Canada. This event is an opportunity to engage in conversations with leading experts to rethink

Mexico’s Day of the Dead at the ROM

Mexico’s Day of the Dead at the ROM

Chloe Sayer, guest curator of  ¡Viva México! Clothing & Culture  and ROM Research Associate, is back in Toronto for the  ROM’s celebration of Day of the Dead  on October 30, one of Mexico’s most important annual festivals. But Chloe hasn’t returned alone. She’s joined by Arturo

Family Camera: Mystery Missionary

  by Aliya Mazari, M.A. student, Photography Preservation and Collections Management, Ryerson University Many family photos in museum collections have been separated from their family histories, thus falling into the category of “orphaned” photos. Why does this separation happen? Does the

Behind the Blitz: Three Young Scientists

Behind the Blitz: Three Young Scientists

Blog by Nadine Leone, ROM Hands-on Biodiversity Gallery Assistant Coordinator Do you like insects or aquatic species? If you answered yes, then you have something in common with Danielle de Carle, Viviana Astudillo and Roegan Vetro, who are three young ROM scientists participating in the Ontario

Learn more about our PokéStops!

As Pokémon GO continues to be played around the world, our Digital Content Producer, Sarah Elliott thought she'd share a little more information about the PokéStops located around the Museum. As some trainers have found out, the game's GPS may not be as accurate as they would like

Ontario BioBlitz 2013: Report from the Field

What do you get when you gather more than 400 avidly curious citizen-scientists in a 40-square-kilometre park to count species for 24 straight hours? Well… you get more than 100 different types of bird, 80 different spiders, hundreds of insects, approaching 600 plants… and a tonne of fun! In

For the Adventuresome: Traversing Back in Time with Dr. Ed Keall

For the Adventuresome: Traversing Back in Time with Dr. Ed Keall

By Daira Szostak   It was a muggy, August afternoon when I met with Dr. Keall to discuss his plans for a new project. Sitting across from him in the dim bar, it felt like a spy movie where I was being enlisted for a covert mission. Details were few. I was familiar with the castle he spoke of,

ROM Game Jam: FAQs

JUMP TO:  Basics | ROM Venue | Team Info | Games | Post Game Jam BASICS + What is a Game Jam? From Wikipedia: “A game jam is a gathering of game developers for the purpose of planning, designing, and creating games within a short span of time. Game developers are generally made up of

Year of the Sheep, Goat or Ram?

Year of the Sheep, Goat or Ram?

Beginning on February 19th 2015 and ending on February 7th 2016 is the Year of the Sheep, or Goat, or Ram in the Chinese calendar. No other year of the Chinese lunar calendar seems to create quite so much confusion as the Year of the Sheep/Goat/Ram. The confusion probably stems from the Chinese

High-Tech Biodiversity

High-Tech Biodiversity

The Bog Copper story and the power of citizen science Guest blog by Dave Ireland, Managing Director, Centre of Discovery in Biodiversity​ The Bog Copper butterfly is the smallest of the North American “Coppers” with a wingspan of up to 2.2 cm, making them tough to spot. They are found in