
Viewing 31 - 40 of 1846 results

Gwen Harvey: An Advocate for World Cultures

Like many moms in Toronto, Gwen Harvey brought her children to the ROM to see the dinosaurs and experience the bat cave. But she also brought them to the Museum so they could learn about different cultures from a young age. “I wanted my children to have an understanding and appreciation for other

LEGO Maya Pyramid building for ROM March Break

 Fifty years ago, a tinny, lurching propeller plane circled above the tropical plain of Belize about 10 kilometres in from the Caribbean coastline. Below, amid a dark patch of forest, tiny slivers of chalky, exposed limestone peeked through the canopy. For the co-pilot that day, a young ROM

Join us for the Tattoos Media Preview!

Join us for the Tattoos Media Preview!

We're inviting 20 lucky social media savvy people to attend our Tattoos media preview on March 30th at 10am!  Please fill out the form by Friday March 11th.  We will email the 20 attendees by Friday March 18th. #ROMInk   Exhibition Partner- Musée de Quai Branly

Passion for Fashion

Passion for Fashion

Passion for Fashion “It’s a day I will always remember,” says Patricia Harris. “The Dior dress was nestled in folds of tissue paper and it was a gorgeous rich red. Inside another box was a sky-high pair of black heels and a matching red belt. The dress took over 500 hours to make and you

From the Field: Digging for Fossils in Churchill’s Trenches

July 22 Another ominously grey and chilly day dawns, but thankfully the rain holds off and after a fortifying breakfast we trundle down to the coast to warm up with some – whoopee – trench digging! It isn’t just any ordinary trench, however … this excavation will allow grad student Matt

Student Photographers Shoot for the ROM

Student Photographers Shoot for the ROM

  On Tuesday evening,  April 8, the ROM, in conjunction with The Walrus Foundation, held the book launch of Every Object Has A Story, an amazing new book celebrating 100 years of the ROM.  This is a book about twenty-one iconic artifacts/specimens, with  twenty-one ROM Curators and experts and

For the Adventuresome: Traversing Back in Time with Dr. Ed Keall

For the Adventuresome: Traversing Back in Time with Dr. Ed Keall

By Daira Szostak   It was a muggy, August afternoon when I met with Dr. Keall to discuss his plans for a new project. Sitting across from him in the dim bar, it felt like a spy movie where I was being enlisted for a covert mission. Details were few. I was familiar with the castle he spoke of,

A collector's gift for future generations

A collector's gift for future generations

For Philip Cheong, collecting is an intergenerational affair. With his father and maternal grandfather both avid collectors, he notes his formative years surrounded by carefully curated objects as a lasting influence in building his own treasured holdings. His first serious acquisition—a

Are you Afraid FOR Bats This Halloween?

Are you Afraid FOR Bats This Halloween?

I love bats. There’s just something about them that gives me that warm fuzzy feeling inside everytime I see one. Now I know what you (and to be honest, a lot of people I know) are thinking- how can she like such a creepy little mammal like a bat? Don’t they suck your blood/get caught in your

Opening Night for A Third Gender: Beautiful Youths in Japanese Prints

Written by Sofia D’Amico (Student at Fordham University) Supervised by Asato Ikeda (Assistant Professor at Fordham University and Research Associate at the Royal Ontario Museum)   Cue the unsophisticated toddler: that’s me. Pan to the setting: that’s Japan Society full of well-established