
Viewing 11 - 20 of 329 results

Erasing History: Ancient Artifacts Destroyed

Erasing History: Ancient Artifacts Destroyed

e media, the lessons of history are changed and omitted at the pleasure of those holding the reins. As far back as the reign of Thutmose the Third in ancient Egypt, and likely even before it, there are examples of artifacts being destroyed, not for the purpose of petty vandalism, but to eliminate

Meet Kate Cooper. Ancient Greece and Rome Expert.

We caught up with Kate Cooper examining Corinthianising pottery in the ROM store rooms. For Ancient Rome and Greece Family Weekend we will have the opportunity to actually touch some objects and talk to some of the ROM’s experts on Ancient Greece and Rome. One of these is Kate Cooper, the new

ROM Ideas: Ancient Cultures

ROM Ideas: Ancient Cultures

To let you in on the latest insights and discoveries from behind the scenes,  ROM Ideas, formerly the ROM Colloquium invites its patrons to step into the realm of ROM researchers, technicians, and other experts who perform ground-breaking work in our labs, collections areas, and at field sites all

Bloodletting: The Ancient Maya Ritual

Bloodletting: The Ancient Maya Ritual

The ancient Mayans practiced Bloodletting- a sacrificial ritual they believed allowed them to communicate with the gods. Journey through the mysterious land of the ancient Maya at the Royal Ontario Museum in the world premiere of the landmark exhibition, Maya: Secrets of their Ancient World,

A.G. Leventis Foundation Gallery of Ancient Cyprus

A.G. Leventis Foundation Gallery of Ancient Cyprus

The crossroads of the Eastern Mediterranean.   The island of Cyprus is rich in natural resources and lies between the eastern and western worlds.  From the Bronze Age to the Hellenistic period trade with, and control of, ancient Cyprus was important to the Greeks and Romans to the west and the

Remembering Ancient Pottery Traditions

Remembering Ancient Pottery Traditions

By Richard Zane Smith, Catherine Tammaro, and Craig Cipolla This summer Wyandot artists Richard Zane Smith and Catherine Tammaro visited the Royal Ontario Museum’s New World Archaeology collections. The purpose of their visit was to study a small sample of the ROM’s Wendat pottery collections

From the Field: Hudson Bay’s Ancient Treasures

July 25 The Arctic high pressure system that has brought such an improvement in the weather is still with us, heralding perfect conditions for a trek to the most spectacular stretch of geology along this entire coastline! Today we’re heading down to what my colleague, Graham Young, has called the

Live @ the ROM- Ancient Greece & Rome Weekend!

Live @ the ROM- Ancient Greece & Rome Weekend!

Inside and outside the ROM on June 15th and 16th Ancient Greece and Rome Family Weekend is in full swing. Our galleries are full of experts- some in period clothing!   Try your hand at archery on our range Be inspired and create something at the arts & crafts tables Wear some replica armour

We’re More Ancient than We Think

We’re More Ancient than We Think

We’re More Ancient than We Think: An afternoon with April Hawkins, New World Archaeology Collection Technician. They stand at attention, arranged in rows, mute and stationary. Each face is a cartoonish riot captured mid-contortion and yet so still as to appear serene. Even in this fluorescent

Fact & Falsehood in Ancient Roman and Greek objects

This coming weekend at the ROM (June 9-10) we will have Ancient Rome and Greece Weekend! There will be re-enactors demonstrating and displaying arms and armour, ROM experts and objects, an archery range with more re-enactors, and a myriad of activities including make a lucky “bulla”, creating