
Viewing 91 - 100 of 329 results

Group 2: Early Examples

The Coptic Legacy  Christian Egyptians were known as Copts. They continued to dominate the textile industry after the Muslim conquest of Egypt, working in the materials and techniques most familiar to them. Imported silks from Sasanian Iran and Byzantium, woven on the drawloom, were copied in

The Legacy of Pompeii

The Legacy of Pompeii

Getty Villa antiquities curator Kenneth Lapatin talks about the themes of his upcoming lecture “The Enduring Legacy of Rome” at the ROM on November 17.         Kenneth Lapatin is a curator at the Getty Villa. Trained as a classical archaeologist, he holds degrees from the University of

Summer Club 2024

Summer Club 2024

t, culture, and nature collections at ROM. Summer Club groups welcome kids ages 5-16 with a variety of themed sessions for different age groups. From ancient Egypt to prehistoric dinosaurs, there’s something for everyone, and new programs are sure to inspire seasoned and novice campers alike.

Group 1: Introduction

Cairo Under Wraps: Early Islamic Textiles  What we know about textiles from the early days of Islam comes primarily from Egypt, where fragile materials—linen, cotton, wool, silk—have been preserved in the dry soil as burial shrouds. This exhibition displays textiles from the first six

Charles T. Currelly

Charles Trick Currelly, more than anyone else, created the art and archaeology collections of the ROM. Currelly was born at Exeter, Ontario in 1876. Although trained as a Methodist minister, following his graduation from the University of Toronto, he devoted himself to archaeological work, first in

Nail Art: Then and Now

Nail Art: Then and Now

Women have grown, groomed and decorated their fingernails for over 5000 years – From the women of Ancient Egypt to the nail salon industry that flourished during the 80s and 90s, nail trends have had authority over beauty regimes across regions and eras. By the late 20th century manicured fingern

Department of Art & Culture OfAfrica Internship for Undergraduate and Graduate Students- Fall & Winter 2019-2020

of two curatorial departments under the Collections and Research Division. It includes collection areas such as Africa, Archaeology of the Americas, Ancient Egypt & Sudan, Ancient Greek & Roman, Canadian, Costume & Textiles, East Asia, European, Indigenous Americas, Indigenous Asia and


wo crops a year. During each flood, however, all the fertile land was flooded, and property lines and low-lying structures were washed away. When the Ancient Egyptians buried their dead, they did not want the bodies to be washed away by the floods, nor did they want to use up valuable farm land for

Iconic: Cleopatra

Iconic: Cleopatra

This granite bust is most likely a representation of one of history's most famous women, Cleopatra, and is a Royal Ontario Museum iconic object. Only three pieces of Ptolemaic sculpture like this exist in the world today. This one is on display in the Galleries of Africa: Egypt.

Iconic: Statue of Sekhmet

Iconic: Statue of Sekhmet

Dating to the reign of King Tutankhamun's grandfather, this Egyptian sculpture is a very fine example of one of the oldest known Egyptian deities, the lion-headed warrior goddess also known as Mistress of Dread and Lady of Slaughter. On display in the Galleries of Africa: Egypt, the statue is