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Requesting a donation from the Museum

ROM is an agency of the Government of Ontario and a charitable organization. However, ROM is committed to assisting the fundraising efforts of other charitable organizations and community groups wherever possible. ROM Donations Every month, ROM will award a limited number of complimentary visits

The Eaton Family

For much of the 20th century the Eaton family name was one of the most recognized in Canada. Timothy Eaton founded his first department store in 1869, in Toronto. The T. Eaton Company grew quickly and, by the late 1920s, had become the largest department store business in Canada. To commemorate the

The Samuel Family

The Samuel family has enjoyed a long and close association with the Museum. At the age of 10 young Sigmund Samuel was already collecting – stamps. A year later he began to work for his father. The family business supplied local factories with metal, and the company grew quickly as Canada

Message from the Director on Equity and Racial Justice

Dear ROM Community, I write to you at a time of great anguish, consternation, and, as people all over the world take to the streets to demand change, a time of great hope for a better future. A future where Black Lives Matter is a self-evident truth. We know such a world does not exist today. Not

Volunteering at the ROM

Welcome to volunteering at the ROM! All volunteer opportunities can be found HERE. The ROM connects its visitors to their communities, their world, and to each other. It’s our hope that when you volunteer at the ROM we inspire you with the amazing, one of a kind objects in our collection and

ROMcast: The Uncatalogued Stories

Who works behind the scenes at the Royal Ontario Museum? What do they do all day? Meet the people who make the museum tick in this candid podcast series!   Season 2, Episode 1: Laura Lipcsei Laura is the ROM’s Senior Conservator of Stone, Ceramics and Glass. In her role she oversees the care and

About the Exhibition

Observance and Memorial: Photographs from S-21, Cambodia features 103 prisoner photographs from S-21, a secret detention centre in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The individuals pictured in this exhibition represent 103 of the estimated 2 million victims of the Khmer Rouge, the ruling party in Cambodia from

Does the Museum appraise or authenticate objects?

In conformity with national and international museum standards, it is contrary to the practice of the ROM to offer financial appraisals or evaluations of objects to the general public, to give evaluations, assist in the disposal of private property or to express opinions regarding the merits of

About the Museum

Opened in 1914, the Royal Ontario Museum showcases art, culture and nature from around the world and across the ages. Among the top 10 cultural institutions in North America, Canada’s largest and most comprehensive museum is home to a world-class collection of 18 million artworks, cultural