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erances. No two pyramids have exactly the same set of formulae. Though sometimes very hard to understand, they are a major source of our knowledge of Ancient Egyptian religion.


wo crops a year. During each flood, however, all the fertile land was flooded, and property lines and low-lying structures were washed away. When the Ancient Egyptians buried their dead, they did not want the bodies to be washed away by the floods, nor did they want to use up valuable farm land for

Royalty and the Court

ent officials are known from their tombs. Arts were strongly supported during this reign. The memory of Djoser and Imhotep was honoured to the end of Ancient Egyptian history. The king's powerful features survive in several statues and an image of the god Geb from Heliopolis H-J Harkuf: 

Tomb Inscriptions & Curses

lawsuit against someone in the next world, before the Great God, is the most serious curse in tombs of the Age of the Pyramids. It tells us that the ancient Egyptians believed that the dead were close, could be helped by the living, and that there was justice in the afterlife. Were the swashbucklin


Soldiers The military may have constituted a social class of their own, with sons often following their fathers into the army. Son often followed father into the army. Opportunity, good luck, and courage could help a soldier rise in wealth and prestige. Because Kings were also war-leaders, a good

Scribes and Bureaucrats

Scribes and Bureaucrats Few skills were more important in Egypt than the ability to read and write. No illiterate could hold high office. Knowledge of reading, writing and arithmetic made the scribe a person of importance, one who watched while others sweated in the sun. Scribes gave the orders


rooms of the temples by archaeologists. These artifacts can help us to understand the kinds of activities performed in various parts of the temples. Ancient Egyptian temples were not places of worship, nor places of instruction for the faithful. A temple was the house of a god or goddess. Admittanc

Marriage and Adulthood

asts. Men probably married as soon as they could support a family, as the Vizier Ptahhotep suggested: When you prosper, found your house. How did the Ancient Egyptians choose their spouse? Because property was involved, and the bride so young, marriages may have been arranged by families. People


Writing  To the Ancient Egyptians, the greatest art was writing. The scribe who mastered the hieratic and hieroglyphic writing systems was guaranteed a good job in the bureaucracy, and a chance to rise as high as his ability (and the king's favour) would take him. Hieroglyphs were called mede

Egyptian Gods

Images of Gods Ancient Egyptian gods could manifest themselves in human form, like the god Ptah, or as animals, like the sacred bulls, or as a combination of human and animal, like the Hawk-headed Horus, or the Ibis-headed Thoth. Most of the sacred images from the Age of the Pyramids have not survi