
Viewing 1 - 10 of 201 results

Le Club du samedi

Le Club du samedi

Dans ce camp de jour (offert en anglais), l'un des plus créatifs et variés de la ville depuis 81 ans, nous offrons un éventail de programmes amusants axés sur des activités inspirées par notre Musée de calibre mondial! Cette édition de notre populaire Club d’été offre des

Museum Tours

Museum Tours

Free with Museum admission, daily tours are offered to the public by trained volunteer Docents. Tours include general Museum tours, and specific gallery tours. Tours of special exhibitions are surcharged. Daily tours are also offered in French.

ROM Speaks

ROM Speaks

From fascinating to thought-provoking, ROM Speaks presents compelling voices on hot topics.  Revisit some of our most popular programs through ROM Speaks Encore. Explore engaging issues at the Museum and experience our world, discussed. #ROMSpeaks These events are offered in English only. ROM

Eva Holtby Lecture on Contemporary Culture

Eva Holtby Lecture on Contemporary Culture

“The Eva Holtby Lecture wants speakers on contemporary culture asking the questions why and why not.  Our goal is for this to encourage conversation, empathy and understanding which leads to stronger civility in a community.”- Christopher Holtby The Annual Eva Holtby Lecture on Contemporary

Visites guidées

Visites guidées

Les Guides du ROM, des guides bénévoles pourvus d’une solide formation, vous proposent des visites guidées en français du mercredi au dimanche à 14 heures. Elles sont habituellement comprises dans le prix du billet d’entrée. La visite d’une exposition temporaire exige l'achat

Conférence annuelle Eva Holtby sur la culture contemporaine

« La Conférence Eva Holtby sur la culture contemporaine recherche des personnalités qui portent un regard critique sur l’actualité. Son but est de favoriser les échanges et la compréhension tout en suscitant l’empathie afin de créer une plus grande civilité au sein de la société. »-

Indigenous Voices

Indigenous Voices

Tune in to the ROM’s popular Indigenous Voices program offered in a live webinar format twice a month. Designed for K-12 students and teachers, each episode features Indigenous ROM educators and guest speakers as they highlight distinct ancestral objects, share stories, and offer arts-based

ROMKids Day: June (Ages 6-7)

Looking for something for the kids to do while they're away from school? Drop them off at ROM Camp!   A shorter version of our popular Summer Club, ROM Camp offers kids special access to active learning, with supervised, fun, hands-on educational activities, art projects, science experiments,

ROMKids Day Camp: June (Extended Care: 4- 6 pm)

Date: Friday, June 7, 2024, 4:00 am- 6:00 pm Extended Care, consisting of relaxed, supervised activities, will be available for a limited number of children registered for ROMKids Day. Pre-registration is required. Limited space is available. Registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Member/Patrons Events

Member/Patrons Events

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