
Viewing 11 - 20 of 439 results

Books & Magazine

ROM Press ROM Press is a multiple award-winning publishing program that reflects the Museum, its history, collections, research, lectures, and exhibitions. Our publishing program includes scholarly and general-interest titles, and ranges from exhibition souvenir guides and children’s books to

Teacher and Chaperone Guide

Before Your Visit At the Museum After Your Visit Tips for Chaperones Use this checklist to help ensure that your trip goes smoothly ► Note: While it is tempting to want to do “a little bit of everything,” trying to see the whole museum in one day can be overwhelming to students and hinders

Internships & Co-ops

Post-secondary Internships When current opportunities are available, the Learning Department at the ROM is pleased to accept interns from post-secondary programs in Education, Museum Studies, or other related fields. Interns can work to support School Visits  or the Hands-on Galleries.   Current

Accessibility Commitment

  ROM Accessibility Strategy The ROM has developed a Multi Year Accessibility Plan which outlines our commitment to removing barriers to participation for Museum visitors with disabilities. This Multi Year Plan includes a brief overview of our organization, a description of the Accessibility for

Assistive Devices

Large print access guides and floor plans are available online through the Museum website, on the accessibility page. These guides are also available at the Museum through the admission desk. Tactile books at the ROM feature Braille, raised line graphics, large print and full-colour pictures.

Service Disruptions

In order to provide a safe and accessible environment, the ROM is committed to letting visitors know about services and features that are available to them. In the event of a service disruption at the ROM, we will immediately address the issue by: Notifying visitors through the Museum website.

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Tip Sheet

What is Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS)? At its most basic, MCS is a sensitivity to many types of chemicals, which causes physical reactions in multiple organ systems. Sensitivities often occur to diverse chemicals such as perfumes, gasoline, and cleaning products. MCS is also often known as

Community Access Partners

  The ROM works with 100 community partners to deliver inclusive museum experiences to a diverse range of communities across Ontario. While the ROM has listed each partner under a specific category on this page, please note that most of our partners work with communities with intersectional

ROM Governors Mandate

Our Mission: To be a world-class fundraising organization, inspiring support and ensuring long-term sustainability for the ROM. Our Vision: Ensuring wonder and discovery at the ROM for generations to come. Our Values: Accountability: Responsible fundraising, transparent reporting. Engagement: