Kore 670
This remarkable figure of a maiden, or kore, is one of the most intricate and highly decorated statues from ancient Greece. This kore, named Kore 670, created between 520-510 BCE, is considered one of the most important sculptures from the Acropolis in Athens because of its fine detail and preserved colour. In many places the sculpture bears remnants of original paint, inviting us to re-examine our understanding of white marble sculptures and the appeal of colour in the Archaic Age.
This exquisite kore, which rarely leaves its home at the Acropolis Museum, will be on display on the main floor at ROM.
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KORE 670: The Podcast - Episode one: A Kore Comes to Toronto.
Learn more about the Greek archaic sculpture Kore 670, on display at ROM from March 12, 2022 to September 25, 2022. This podcast features a conversation ROM’s Paul Denis, Assistant Curator, Ancient Greece and Rome.
Listen here - https://open.spotify.com/show/6fMf1tPw5hiXAaTBNtElmF
Also available on Apple podcasts
This podcast is produced by the Hellenic Heritage Foundation (HHF) as part one of a two-part podcast about sculptures of the Acropolis. The HHF is a national charitable, non-profit organization established in Toronto in 1996. Our mission is to preserve, promote, and advance Hellenic education, culture, and heritage in Canada by funding initiatives that enrich the lives of Hellenic Canadians and philhellenes.
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On loan from the Acropolis Museum. Issued by the excavations at the Acropolis of Athens conducted by the responsible service of the Greek State in 1886. © Acropolis Museum, photo: Giorgos Vitsaropoulos.