The Bat Cave | Level 2

Dare to brave the cave?

Kids will love discovering the real stories behind these mysterious creatures of the night. Explore cave formation and how bats use echolocation, and experience a spectacular dramatization of bats in flight during a nightly exodus for food.

Featuring more than 20 bat specimens and over 800 models, the cave is a realistic portrayal of the St. Clair Cave in Jamaica based on ROM fieldwork at the site, the most recent being in January 2011.

About the Gallery


The gallery offers an immersive experience for visitors, presenting bats in a simulated natural habitat in order to profile habitat and behaviour.


St. Clair Cave is located in central Jamaica and was formed by an underground river flowing through limestone rock. It is approximately thirty metres below ground and three kilometres long.


The St. Clair Cave has provided a home for bats for perhaps thousands of years.

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