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Résultats 11 à 20 sur 43

Sharing the Kirwin Collection with the World

Sharing the Kirwin Collection with the World

The ROM is grateful to BMO Financial Group for an extraordinary $1M gift in support of the Kirwin Collection initiative. This generous investment in ROM Earth & Space will help the ROM catalogue, digitize, store and share this remarkable collection with the public. “BMO Financial Group is

Ford and Peroni Engage Millennials at FNL

Ford and Peroni Engage Millennials at FNL

Launched in 2012, Friday Night Live (FNL) has grown to become Toronto’s most unique social destination. Each week, thousands of millennials take over Canada’s world museum to enjoy curated, cutting-edge ROM content and eclectic eats, drinks, DJs, dancing, and live music. The ROM is proud to

Friends of the ROM

Friends of the ROM

For more than five decades, ROM Friends groups have brought people together to engage with their passions, making a meaningful impact on the Museum and inspiring its community of supporters.   By making a small annual donation, you can become a part of Friends of the Canadian Collections, The

A Love for the ROM Endures

A Love for the ROM Endures

As dedicated members of the Department of Museum Volunteers (DMV), Rodger and Joann McLennan led countless tours over the past 20 years, enrapturing visitors with their infectious enthusiasm and deep knowledge of the Museum’s collections. Joann, a native New Yorker, met Rodger while

The Essential 10

The Essential 10

  Meet YPC Member Edmund Chien What is your occupation? Sales consultant and conference speaker. What was the last book you read? Great By Choice by Jim Collins. (I’m going through some classics right now). If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Bishop White Committee Establishes ROM Curatorship

Bishop White Committee Establishes ROM Curatorship

For close to 60 years, the Bishop White Committee has enabled the ROM to steward and display the greatest collection of Japanese art in Canada. Together with the ROM, this passionate group of volunteers has established the Bishop White Committee Curator of Japanese Art & Culture—an endowed

The Dr. Fred Weinberg and Joy Cherry Weinberg Judaica Collection

The Dr. Fred Weinberg and Joy Cherry Weinberg Judaica Collection

Collecting is a passion that connects people to the world around them. Though the term often conjures notions of blue-chip art purchases at auction houses, for collectors Joy Cherry and the late Dr. Fred Weinberg, it represents a meaningful journey of acquiring objects that celebrate more

ROM Entomologist Leaves An Intellectual Legacy

ROM Entomologist Leaves An Intellectual Legacy

Glenn and Carol Wiggins’ estate furthers research in perpetuity From a young age, Glenn Wiggins (1927–2013) was fascinated by “the little things that run the world.”* His love of insects led to a distinguished career as ROM curator of entomology and decades of global fieldwork on

An Unwavering Commitment to the ROM

An Unwavering Commitment to the ROM

Frank Potter, left, and Jack Cockwell The Distinguished Service Award is the highest honour the Museum can bestow on a volunteer and is reserved for those who have generously provided extraordinary and meritorious service to the ROM. The ROM recognized Jack Cockwell and Frank Potter with this

The Temertys – Two of the ROM’s Greatest Ambassadors

The Temertys – Two of the ROM’s Greatest Ambassadors

Louise and James Temerty Avid museum-goers, James and Louise Temerty discovered the ROM when they moved to Toronto from Montreal over 35 years ago. When the opportunity came along in 1998 for Jim to volunteer on the ROM Board of Governors, he jumped at the chance. Since then, the Temertys have