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Résultats 321 à 328 sur 328

 The life cycle of a new fossil: Meet the ancient cousin of the earthworm

The life cycle of a new fossil: Meet the ancient cousin of the earthworm

By Karma Nanglu Have you ever wondered how a new fossil is described? Or picked up an earthworm on a rainy day and thought to yourself “where do animals like these come from?” In this ROMblog post, I’ll walk you through the process of describing an exceptionally well-preserved new fossil

Huge cache of fossils from the Burgess Shale reveal a new species of large predator

Huge cache of fossils from the Burgess Shale reveal a new species of large predator

Joe Moysiuk – Phd Student & Vanier Scholar, Royal Ontario Museum & University of Toronto We recently unveiled fossils of a new large predatory species in a paper in Proceedings of the Royal Society B. This animal had rake-like claws and a pineapple-slice-shaped mouth at the front of an

Mighty Burgess Shale fossil site discovered in Kootenay National Park

Mighty Burgess Shale fossil site discovered in Kootenay National Park

This new fossil assemblage is about the same age as the famous Burgess Shale deposit in Yoho National Park, and has the potential to become at least as significant. Since it was discovered by Charles Walcott in 1909, the Burgess Shale has remained the main source of information about Cambrian

Three cheers for Burgess Shale’ newest oddball animal, a worm with waving “arms”

By Jean-Bernard Caron, Senior Curator of Invertebrate Palaeontology, Royal Ontario Museum  Today, the ROM is announcing a spectacular new species from the world-famous Burgess Shale site in Yoho National Park. Its name, Ovatiovermis cribratus, means “standing suspension-feeding worm” in Latin

The secret of Oesia: a Burgess Shale mystery, by Karma Nanglu

My name is Karma Nanglu and I’m a PhD student at the University of Toronto, but on a day-to-day basis I do my research at the Royal Ontario Museum. I’ve recently co-authored a research paper, Cambrian suspension-feeding tubicolous hemichordates, with Jean-Bernard Caron, Curator, Invertebrate

New Research from the Burgess Shale: Thorny worms that swarmed in the Cambrian seas

New Research from the Burgess Shale: Thorny worms that swarmed in the Cambrian seas

Hallucigenia sparsa is no ordinary animal. This poster child of the Burgess Shale biota is the ultimate weirdo, and the ROM holds the world’s largest collection of specimens. New research published July 31st in the Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series B, provides fresh new revelations about

Habelia, un prédateur de la préhistoire avec une « tête multifonction »

Habelia, un prédateur de la préhistoire avec une « tête multifonction »

Cédric Aria Chercheur postdoctoral Décrit pour la première fois en 1912, Habelia optata est l’un des plus énigmatiques à avoir été découvert dans les schistes de Burgess, gisement fossilifère de la Colombie-Britannique d’une richesse exceptionnelle qui remonte au Cambrien moyen, soit

Belle découverte dans les schistes de Burgess: un ver oscillant sur ses « pattes »

By Jean-Bernard Caron, Conservateur principal de paléontologie des invertébrés, Musée royal de l’Ontario Le ROM annonce aujourd’hui la découverte d’une espèce étonnante sur le site mondialement connu des schistes de Burgess dans le Parc national Yoho. La créature a été baptisée