
Résultats 21 à 30 sur 612

Bishop White Gallery of Chinese Temple Art

Bishop White Gallery of Chinese Temple Art

Religious murals survive the march of time.   The Paradise of Maitreya, the magnificent mural that dominates this gallery, adorned the wall of a Chinese Buddhist monastery that no longer exists. It was created more than seven centuries ago during the Yuan dynasty, when Khubilai Khan ruled and the

Gallery of the Bronze Age Aegean

Gallery of the Bronze Age Aegean

The rise and fall of three mighty civilizations. Long before the Classical Age the prehistoric Cycladic, Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations flourished in Greece and the Aegean. This was before the age of written history, but these cultures inspired the myths and legends of Greece – tales of the

Joey and Toby Tanenbaum Gallery of Byzantium

Joey and Toby Tanenbaum Gallery of Byzantium

When Istanbul was Constantinople.  The dedication of Constantinople (now Istanbul) by the Emperor Constantine I in AD 330 began a new phase in the history of the Roman Empire. Power gradually shifted towards the eastern Mediterranean, and a new empire emerged. The people of this empire thought of

Reed Gallery of the Age of Mammals

Reed Gallery of the Age of Mammals

The rise of mammals following the great extinction of dinosaurs. After the extinction of the dinosaurs about 65 million years ago, other animals continued to develop and flourish. This was a time when Earth's continents continued to separate into their present-day positions and predecessors of

RRSP/RRIF/Pension Plans

Many people pay more income tax in their year of death than they do in any year during their lifetime. This may be due to additional income created by a deemed disposition of certain assets on death, as well as inclusion into income of registered retirement savings plans (RRSPs) or registered

Explorers Benefits

For children of ROM Members.  Free. A fun and exciting way for children of ROM Members to experience the ROM!  Enjoy special events, fun online activities, and cool crafts to do at home. Plus meet ROM Curators, go on scavenger hunts, and earn great prizes!  Receive your very own passport and

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If you are a media outlet, student, blogger or documentarian and you would like to request to shoot video of ROM experts, galleries or objects, please fill out this form. NOTE: This form is not for producers or scouts seeking permission/access to use ROM as a location. Location requests can be