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Résultats 61 à 70 sur 917

Age Before Beauty: The Acasta Gneiss and Jack Hills Conglomerate

Submitted by Vincent Vertolli, Assistant Curator Geology The Jack Hills Conglomerate, a 3,000 million year old sedimentary rock from which the oldest, at 4,200 million years, terrestrial minerals have been found. The Jack Hills Conglomerate occurs in the Mt. Narryer and Jack Hills area of Western

Dr. A. P. Coleman (1852-1939)

Dr. A. P. Coleman (1852-1939)

Submitted by Vincent Vertolli, Assistant Curator Geology Dr. A. P. Coleman was appointed Director of the Museum of Geology in 1913 to join five other museums, Archaeology, Mineralogy, Palaeontology and Zoology which came to be known as the Royal Ontario Museum. Dr. Coleman is considered one of

Jade-Foolery: How to Recognize Minerals Disguised as Jade

March Break visitors inspect the minerals before deciding if they are jade. This week, March Break visitors were invited to test their astuteness in the Teck Suite of Galleries: Earth’s Treasures (activity table open Monday to Friday only).  With a collection of Jade-like objects and specimens

Profile of a ROM Conservator

Working tirelessly behind the scenes, ROM Conservators help protect our collections from damage and restore objects to their previous splendor. Ok. Maybe we’re generalizing a bit, so we went right to the source and asked Cathy Stewart, Manager of Conservation, a few questions to help uncover what

School’s Out! (A March Break Guide for Parents)

Maya-inspired activities take over the ROM from March 10 to 18 Students are counting down the minutes, anxiously awaiting the start of March Break…and quite frankly, so are we! We know that this time of year can be stressful for parents, so we’ve put together some suggestions to help you make

ROM History Wars – Heavyweights Battle Over Canadian Identity

It was another full house in Samuel Hall/Currelly Gallery on the Wednesday evening March 7 as the ROM History Wars debate centred on the place of French language, culture and people in Canadian society and governance. As the format allows a straw poll of hands up in the air, the measure of the

Tales from the Synchrotron

I’m currently at the Argonne National Laboratory just outside of Chicago, Illinois at the Advanced Photon Source (APS). This is a research facility funded by the U.S. Department of Energy that over 3,500 scientists from all over the world comes to use the instruments here for their research each

The Making of Ultimate Dinosaurs: Giants from Gondwana

Contributed by Peter May, President, Research Casting International Ltd. We held a press preview day at our shop last week to launch the ROM’s major summer exhibition – Ultimate Dinosaurs: Giants from Gondwana. Of the 17 dinosaur skeletons to be exhibited, ten are pretty well finished; just

Celtic Fun Weekend: Themed Pancakes, Warrior Paint, and Dancing

In my role at the ROM I see all sorts of families. Large. Small. New to the museum. Regulars to the museum.  Everyone! And it doesn’t matter where you fit on this large line of families, because there’s always something for you to explore and to have fun with!  Today I want to talk about one

Celts, Bronze Age weapons, and the ROM's Celtic Family Weekend

Here Kay Sunahara of the ROM's Department of World Cultures places a rare shield from the Middle Bronze Age on its mount. As a part of the Family Weekends at the ROM we will be putting out some treasures from the vaults, objects for which we presently do not have in the gallery. For the Celtic