
Résultats 281 à 290 sur 3111

Group tours, education and youth

School Tours for High School Students Prepared by ROM Education in partnership with ‘Facing History and Ourselves’ Students will examine the development of human rights in Canada during the 20th century using evocative artifacts from the ROM collection, and view Observance and Memorial. To

Sir Edmund Boyd Osler

Sir Edmund Boyd Osler gave generously to foster the foundation and growth of the Museum. Edmund Osler started his business career as a clerk in the Bank of Upper Canada. He later became president of several companies including the Ontario and Quebec Railway and the Dominion Bank, and a director of

The Samuel Family

The Samuel family has enjoyed a long and close association with the Museum. At the age of 10 young Sigmund Samuel was already collecting – stamps. A year later he began to work for his father. The family business supplied local factories with metal, and the company grew quickly as Canada

Louise Hawley Stone

Louise Hawley Stone was a devoted friend of the ROM. The Museum’s first volunteer, she was also a donor, fundraiser, Board member and committee chair. In 1940, Louise Hawley Stone came to a lecture by the ROM’s new Keeper of the Chinese Collections, Bishop William White. Hooked, she studied

Joey and Toby Tanenbaum

Joey and Toby Tanenbaum have contributed greatly to Toronto, from hospital facilities to performing-arts organizations to the Royal Ontario Museum. Joey Tanenbaum’s grandfather, Abraham, arrived in Toronto in 1911. He started as a peddler of scrap metal with only $8.00 to his name. Nevertheless

Sir Byron Edmund Walker

Sir Byron Edmund Walker was the driving force behind the campaign to found a world-class museum in Toronto. Born in 1848 on a farm in Haldimand County, Ontario, Edmund Walker left school at the age of 12 to enter the banking business. Curious about culture and science, he became a self-taught

Teck Suite of Galleries: Earth's Treasures

Teck Suite of Galleries: Earth's Treasures

To the ends of the earth…and beyond. Treasures from Earth and space unfold in a suite of galleries designed for exploration and discovery. Meteorites, rocks, precious minerals and gems contribute to one of the finest museum collections on display anywhere. In total, over 4.5 billion years of

Renseignements pratiques

DÉCOUVRIR | EXPLORER | INTERPELLER Vous venez bientôt à Toronto? Le Musée royal de l’Ontario saura vous captiver avec ses dinosaures impressionnants, ses joyaux étincelants, ses momies mystérieuses et bien d’autres choses encore. Vous vivrez avec votre famille ou vos amis des expériences


Au Musée, nous avons à cœur d’offrir l’accessibilité à tous nos visiteurs. L’accès à nos collections et à nos sources d’information constitue l’une de nos responsabilités principales. Il est au cœur de notre mission. Vous trouverez ci-dessous certains de nos programmes