
Viewing 71 - 80 of 249 results

Palaeontologists solve mystery of 500 million-year-old squid-like carnivore

Palaeontologists solve mystery of 500 million-year-old squid-like carnivore

A study by Martin Smith of the University of Toronto and Jean-Bernard Caron of the Royal Ontario Museum sheds new light on a previously unclassifiable 500 million-year-old squid-like carnivore known as Nectocaris pteryx. The new interpretation became possible with the discovery of 91 new fossils

#5Reasons for our Mediaeval Fair!

Five reasons why our Mediaeval Fair (September 29/30) is going to be awesome! The Mediaeval Fair at the ROM (running this weekend on September 29/30) has become a bit of a tradition over the years. It’s just fun. ROM staff and Medieval reenactors get all dressed up and talk about all things

Medieval Fall Fair at the Royal Ontario Museum

Medieval Fall Fair at the Royal Ontario Museum

Join us for a fun-filled weekend of Medieval dancing, archery, martial arts, fashion, warfare and more at the Royal Ontario Museum. Experience a taste of life in the past at the ROM's Medieval Fall Fair, October 1 to 2, 2011.

Celebrate Canada Day with Maple Syrup!

Celebrate Canada Day with Maple Syrup!

As we prepare in joining friends and family for Canada Day celebrations, there is no better time to reflect on the rich cultural heritage embodied within our beloved maple leaf. Located in the ROM’s Sigmund Samuel Gallery of Canada—in a small case near the entrance—are a series of artefacts

The Tattoo Hunter

The Tattoo Hunter

Guest blog by Doug Wallace Anthropologist Lars Krutak has documented the tattoo traditions of Indigenous people all over the world, from the Amazon to the high Arctic. A noted tattoo specialist, Washington, D.C.-based Lars Krutak is a featured speaker at an upcoming instalment of ROM

Sand Sculpting with Sandi

Sand Sculpting with Sandi

10 feet tall and 15 tons of sand! Watch as sand sculpture artist, Sandi 'Castle' Stirling, shapes a sand pile into a stunning Egyptian inspired work of art. This outdoor installation marked the beginning of ROMkids weekends at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto in 2008.

Burgess Shale: Early Life Predators

Burgess Shale: Early Life Predators

The new Burgess Shale website launches December 1, 2011 at In partnership with Parks Canada, the ROM launches one of the most technologically advanced and accessible virtual museum sites showcasing the Burgess Shale, a UNESCO World Heritage Site of an ancient

Burgess Shale Virtual Museum of Canada Launch- Part 1

Burgess Shale Virtual Museum of Canada Launch- Part 1

The new Burgess Shale website launches December 1, 2011 at In partnership with Parks Canada, the ROM launches one of the most technologically advanced and accessible virtual museum sites showcasing the Burgess Shale, a UNESCO World Heritage Site of an ancient

Burgess Shale Virtual Museum of Canada Launch- Part 3

Burgess Shale Virtual Museum of Canada Launch- Part 3

The new Burgess Shale website launches December 1, 2011 at In partnership with Parks Canada, the ROM launches one of the most technologically advanced and accessible virtual museum sites showcasing the Burgess Shale, a UNESCO World Heritage Site of an ancient

Burgess Shale Virtual Museum of Canada Launch- Part 2

Burgess Shale Virtual Museum of Canada Launch- Part 2

The new Burgess Shale website launches December 1, 2011 at In partnership with Parks Canada, the ROM launches one of the most technologically advanced and accessible virtual museum sites showcasing the Burgess Shale, a UNESCO World Heritage Site of an ancient