
Viewing 261 - 270 of 277 results

Summer Club 2024

Summer Club 2024

Set your kids up for a summer of fun times and creative learning. Summer Club is back – celebrating its 82 nd  year – with immersive, in-person camp programs unlike anything else in the city. Engaging, energetic, and full of activities, our summer programs feature classroom and in-gallery

Adventures in the Great Bear Rainforest: from the Royal Ontario Museum to the wilds of British Columbia with Paul Nicklen

Adventures in the Great Bear Rainforest: from the Royal Ontario Museum to the wilds of British Columbia with Paul Nicklen

By guest blogger   Paul Esposti, 2016  Environmental Visual Communication Program  graduate. It’s September 2016, although I’ve lost track of the days. But it’s September and I’m in Northern British Columbia and being dry is a distant memory as I lay in a damp field surrounded by tall

Trees for Life in Lakefield

Trees for Life in Lakefield

Guest blog written by Environmental Visual Communication student Fenella Hood When Rebecca Rose left her home in Leslieville and moved her three young children to the quaint village of Lakefield, she felt secure in the belief that she was improving their lot in life. A small community in South

Royalty and the Court

Who is Who? A-C Aa-akhti:  Third Dynasty. Chief Architect and Royal Governor. Aa-akhti was wealthy and powerful. He was able to command a fine artist to carve decorations for his mortuary chapel. An image of Aa-akhti himself, dressed in an unusual long kilt, and surrounded by clear and lively

Privacy Policy

Royal Ontario Museum (“ROM”, “we” or “us”) is committed to safeguarding the personal information entrusted to us by all of our visitors (including business-related), donors, sponsors, members and volunteers (collectively, Supporters). As such, we comply with the requirements of the

Habelia, un prédateur de la préhistoire avec une « tête multifonction »

Habelia, un prédateur de la préhistoire avec une « tête multifonction »

Cédric Aria Chercheur postdoctoral Décrit pour la première fois en 1912, Habelia optata est l’un des plus énigmatiques à avoir été découvert dans les schistes de Burgess, gisement fossilifère de la Colombie-Britannique d’une richesse exceptionnelle qui remonte au Cambrien moyen, soit

Belle découverte dans les schistes de Burgess: un ver oscillant sur ses « pattes »

By Jean-Bernard Caron, Conservateur principal de paléontologie des invertébrés, Musée royal de l’Ontario Le ROM annonce aujourd’hui la découverte d’une espèce étonnante sur le site mondialement connu des schistes de Burgess dans le Parc national Yoho. La créature a été baptisée


Natural Mummies North Africa is very hot and dry. The Sahara would stretch right across from near the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea if not for the Nile River. The Nile has allowed people to live in Egypt and develop a great civilization. The dark rich soil deposited by the annual flood, the

The Monastery of St Moses, Syria: The Prehistoric Remains

The Monastery of St Moses, Syria: The Prehistoric Remains

Since 2004 I had walked the Qalamoun mountains around the monastery of Deir Mar Musa looking for archaeological features to record. In all that time I found one lithic, a stone tool from humanity’s prehistoric past. My colleagues back home that specialised in these objects would say that I just

The Woman Behind the Biggest Heart in the World

The Woman Behind the Biggest Heart in the World

Guest Blog written by 2017 Environmental Visual Communication student Fenella Hood Knife in hand and knee-deep in rotting blubber, Jacqueline Miller is about to do something that has never been done before: carve out a blue whale's heart for preservation. Enveloped in its stench and racing