
Viewing 261 - 270 of 3086 results

Galerie Joey et Toby Tanenbaum de Rome et du Proche-Orient

Galerie Joey et Toby Tanenbaum de Rome et du Proche-Orient

Un empire en pleine expansion Élargissant sans cesse leur empire, les Romains ont conquis le Proche-Orient en deux siècles environ, lorsqu’ils ont annexé Pétra, Palmyre, la Judée et la Syrie séleucide. Les trésors de cette galerie évoquent la vie des citadins et le raffinement de leur

Gallery of Chinese Architecture

Gallery of Chinese Architecture

The largest collection of Chinese architectural artifacts outside of China. China's iconic architectural style is as old as the civilization itself. Throughout, connections and oppositions between Yang-houses (architecture for the living) and Yin-houses (architecture for the dead) intertwine


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Visitor Information

DISCOVER | EXPLORE | ENGAGE Planning a trip to Toronto? Discover more at the Royal Ontario Museum, where jaw-dropping dinos, glittering gems and mysterious mummies are just a few of the treasures on display. Expect extraordinary experiences as you and your family explore how the earth and its

About the Exhibition

Observance and Memorial: Photographs from S-21, Cambodia features 103 prisoner photographs from S-21, a secret detention centre in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The individuals pictured in this exhibition represent 103 of the estimated 2 million victims of the Khmer Rouge, the ruling party in Cambodia from

Learn more about the Cambodian atrocities

Learn more about this dreadful chapter in human history through the organizations and projects listed below. Documentation Center of Cambodia Tuol Sleng Museum of Genocide DC-Cam Khmer Rouge Archives Yale University program on the Cambodian Genocide The Digital Archive of Cambodian Genocide

Survivor testimonies

Survivor testimonies from Cambodians living in Canada As part of the ROM's journey to provide a full context for the Khmer Rouge period, local filmmaker Leib Kopman invited four Cambodians currently living in Ontario to share their stories. Videos and transcripts will be available on this site

Learn more about the trials

Trials for leaders of the notorious Khmer Rouge are now underway in Cambodia, and are co-led by both the Cambodian Government and the United Nations. See below for more information. Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia Cambodia Tribunal Monitor Genocide Watch