
Viewing 251 - 260 of 278 results

The 99%: Paul Roberts on Pompeii and Herculaneum

The 99%: Paul Roberts on Pompeii and Herculaneum

Paul Roberts will be giving a (sold out) lecture titled “What happens in Pompeii, stays in Pompeii: Sexuality in the Roman World” at the ROM on December 8. Here, Sascha Priewe speaks to Paul about curating the exhibition Life and Death in Pompeii and Herculaneum at the British Museum in 2013.

Blue Whale Research

Blue Whale Research

Scientific study and preservation continue for the ROM’s Blue Whale Guest blog by Jacqueline Miller, Mammalian Technician The blue whale is the largest animal known to have ever lived. What are the advantages to being so large? What are the disadvantages? There are advantages to being large,

The Making of Genesis: In Conversation with Sebastião Salgado

  From May 4 to September 4, 2013, as part of this year’s Scotiabank CONTACT Photography Festival, the ROM will be home to the North American premiere of renowned photographer Sebastião Salgado’s Genesis, an exhibition curated by Lélia Wanick Salgado. It is his third large-scale

Tattooed Heroes of Edo Period Japan

Tattoos: Ritual. Identity. Obsession. Art is an exhibition in the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) coming from Museé du quai Branly, Paris. It explores 5000 years of tattoo tradition around the world. The traditional and contemporary tattoos of Japan are featured prominently in their own section of the

ROM Game Jam: FAQs

JUMP TO:  Basics | ROM Venue | Team Info | Games | Post Game Jam BASICS + What is a Game Jam? From Wikipedia: “A game jam is a gathering of game developers for the purpose of planning, designing, and creating games within a short span of time. Game developers are generally made up of

Beneath the Surface: Photographing at the Edge of Imagination

Beneath the Surface: Photographing at the Edge of Imagination

Guest Blog written by Environmental Visual Communication student Sam Rose Phillips Walking through the ROM’s Wildlife Photographer of the Year (WPY) exhibition is a powerful experience. Backlit photograph after backlit photograph, we are immersed within and invited into the most stunning moments,

 The life cycle of a new fossil: Meet the ancient cousin of the earthworm

The life cycle of a new fossil: Meet the ancient cousin of the earthworm

By Karma Nanglu Have you ever wondered how a new fossil is described? Or picked up an earthworm on a rainy day and thought to yourself “where do animals like these come from?” In this ROMblog post, I’ll walk you through the process of describing an exceptionally well-preserved new fossil

ROM Research Colloquium: BLOG-A-THON (Day 1)

ROM Research Colloquium: BLOG-A-THON (Day 1)

Five researchers, five questions, five days. Follow five of the ROM’s researchers and learn about what fascinates them, what questions are irking them and how their research helps us figure out the world. This year the ROM Research Colloquium will go into its 36th year. 36 years of ROM

School Programs

January to August Ontario schools, education groups, and camps.  Age 4 to 18-years-old. Tuesday to Friday, 10:00 AM to 5:30 PM. Onsite Visits........ Book Now Self-Guided General Admission ($8/person) Special Exhibitions + Self-Guided General Admission ($10/person) Onsite Lessons + Self-Guided

 Le cycle de vie d’un nouveau fossile. Venez rencontrer un ancien cousin du polychète.

Le cycle de vie d’un nouveau fossile. Venez rencontrer un ancien cousin du polychète.

Karma Nanglu Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé comment on en vient à décrire un nouveau fossile? Avez-vous déjà ramassé un ver de terre, un jour de pluie, en vous demandant d’où venait cet animal »? Dans ce blogue du ROM, je vous expliquerai petit à petit la description du fossile