
Viewing 191 - 200 of 249 results

Q&A with Robin, Certified LEGO Professional

Robin Sather, LEGO® Certified Professional at  Brickville DesignWorks  in Abbotsford, British Columbia talks with us about his upcoming build of a giant LEGO® Sphinx at the ROM on October 28-30. Q. How did you get the idea to start Brickville? Like a lot of people, I’ve wanted to work for the

Meet Kate Cooper. Ancient Greece and Rome Expert.

We caught up with Kate Cooper examining Corinthianising pottery in the ROM store rooms. For Ancient Rome and Greece Family Weekend we will have the opportunity to actually touch some objects and talk to some of the ROM’s experts on Ancient Greece and Rome. One of these is Kate Cooper, the new


  Obtenez un accès prioritaire à quatre milliards d'années de beauté et d'émerveillement   Devenez Membre du ROM Les adhésions peuvent aussi être achetées à la billetterie à l'entrée du Musée ou par téléphone en composant le 416 586-5700, durant les heures

Game Jam 2015 FAQs

+ What is a game jam? From Wikipedia: “A game jam is a gathering of game developers for the purpose of planning, designing, and creating games within a short span of time. Game developers are generally made up of programmers, game designers, artists, and others in game development-related

Stories from 2B- Talking about Canadian History

Stories from 2B- Talking about Canadian History

Canada Day this year, apart from providing the fireworks-induced impetus for many a barking dog, also marked the beginning of the first annual Canadian History Week. Being that I am not from Canada but from a completely separate continent in a completely separate hemisphere you might think me


Canada’s Leading Museum, Reimagined. Introducing OpenROM: a landmark initiative that will dramatically open the Museum even more to the public, creating greater access, and a thriving cultural and civic hub in the heart of the city. OpenROM includes a sweeping architectural transformation of the

Meet an Archaeologist: Kay Sunahara

Providing scale for some very large ancient Maya storage jars, Actun Chechem Ha, Belize. Image: Holley Moyes In celebration of Archaeology Weekend on April 14 and 15, we have interviewed a few ROM archaeologists. Dr. Kay Sunahara works in Belize and other parts of Central America, researching

Daily Life in Greek & Roman: Insights from our Interns

Daily Life in Greek & Roman: Insights from our Interns

Student interns are a vital part of behind-the-scenes throughout the ROM.  In the Greek & Roman section most students spend their time with us as part of their studies, such as a high school co-op programme, university research opportunity course, or as a work placement for community college.

Behind the Scenes: What the ROM is Doing this Afternoon

Behind the Scenes: What the ROM is Doing this Afternoon

By Deirdre Leowinata (B.Sc. Biology and EVC student) When you think of someone who works in a museum, the first (and possibly the only) thing that comes to mind is a curator. Maybe a security guard, maybe a tour guide, but usually it’s not much more than that. Little you may know, museums are

Epic Civilizations During ROM Revealed: A Volunteer's Perspective

Epic Civilizations During ROM Revealed: A Volunteer's Perspective

On May 3 rd and 4 th, 2014, the ROM held an epic event in celebration of its centennial birthday: it invited the public behind-the-scenes into the curatorial areas and vaults. Almost all the staff and a small army of volunteers were on hand that day. Here is what happened from the view point of one