
Viewing 1 - 10 of 46 results

Iconic: Striding Lion

Iconic: Striding Lion

A city known for many of the great wonders of the world, the striding lion of Babylon once adorned the citadel of the Nebuchadnazzar castle. Found in the throne room, the decorated relief on clay bricks is extremely rare and is one of the Royal Ontario Museum's iconic, must see treasures.

The Making of Mesopotamia

arators have moved a statue from ancient Assyria into the gallery. Large stone wall reliefs from an Assyrian palace being installed. The ROM's  Striding Lion relief being moved to the Garfield Weston Exhibition Hall from its permanent home in the  Wirth Gallery of the Middle East. Display

Theodora Ferrant

Theodora Ferrant

st fascinating provides me with fun insight into their character. If you could have anything from the ROM’s collections, what would you choose? The Striding Lion from Nebuchadnezzar's throne room. It is beautiful and I would love to gaze at it on my own wall... though I would certainly not

Lives and Legacies: A Lifelong Passion for the ROM

Lives and Legacies: A Lifelong Passion for the ROM

doors to underserved communities. “As docents, we try to build a sense of wonder” he says. “Once you get people excited about objects like the Striding Lion from the Nebuchadnezzar’s throne room or the beautiful Light of the Desert Cerrusite gemstone, they will come back.” Yet it’s not

Descriptive Audio Tour: Transcript

f was decorated with figures of bull and dragons, symbols of the gods Adad and Marduk. North of the gate the roadway was lined with glazed figures of striding lions on vivid blue backgrounds such as the one in the exhibit. These animals were associated with Ishtar, the goddess of love and war, and

The Monastery of St Moses, Syria: The Prehistoric Remains

The Monastery of St Moses, Syria: The Prehistoric Remains

Since 2004 I had walked the Qalamoun mountains around the monastery of Deir Mar Musa looking for archaeological features to record. In all that time I found one lithic, a stone tool from humanity’s prehistoric past. My colleagues back home that specialised in these objects would say that I just

Nature meets Culture at Archaeology Weekend!

Nature meets Culture at Archaeology Weekend!

Humans would have been aware of the other creatures that shared their world from earliest times. At first they would have had an eye towards possible predators or competitors, then possible prey as they became hunters.  As the cognitive ability of Early Humans developed, they would observe the

Iconic: Statue of Sekhmet

Iconic: Statue of Sekhmet

Dating to the reign of King Tutankhamun's grandfather, this Egyptian sculpture is a very fine example of one of the oldest known Egyptian deities, the lion-headed warrior goddess also known as Mistress of Dread and Lady of Slaughter. On display in the Galleries of Africa: Egypt, the statue is

Mosaic Ceiling – Rotunda

The Rotunda, dedicated in honour of Ernest and Elizabeth Samuel, is the Museum’s ceremonial entrance hall. It features one of the Museum’s most magnificent architectural treasures—a spectacular mosaic dome that has fascinated generations of staff and visitors. Charles T. Currelly, the first