
Viewing 1 - 10 of 19 results

Eternal Egypt and Jewels of Jordan

Eternal Egypt and Jewels of Jordan

The pyramids at Giza, Egypt. © Ricardo Liberato, Wikimedia Commons, 2006. SOLD OUT – Waiting list Available Explore the ancient cities of Amman, Jerash, Petra, Luxor, Aswan and Cairo as we journey through eternal Egypt and Jordan. Witness the dramatic scenery of Wadi Rum and Petra. Behold

Spring: Relics & Ruins (Ages 8-10) PM

What can we discover from a fallen city? Why, just about anything! From daily life to their untimely demise, the relics and ruins of ancient civilizations are some of history's greatest treasures. Get your hands on relics like ancient inventions and weapons of war that made Egypt, Rome and

Tours- June 12.24

Tours in English 11 am           Museum Highlights 12 pm          Ancient Egypt & Nubia 1 pm            Museum Highlights 2 pm           Murder and Mayhem   Visites guidées en français 14 h              Les trésors du musée Please note: Tours are subject to ch

Tours- June 7.24

Tours in English 11 am            Museum Highlights 12 pm           Ancient Egypt & Nubia 1 pm             Museum Highlights 2 pm            China 3 pm            Museum Highlights Visites guidées en français 14 h              Les trésors du musée Pleas

Summer Club 2024

Summer Club 2024

t, culture, and nature collections at ROM. Summer Club groups welcome kids ages 5-16 with a variety of themed sessions for different age groups. From ancient Egypt to prehistoric dinosaurs, there’s something for everyone, and new programs are sure to inspire seasoned and novice campers alike.

Spring: Voyage of Time (Ages 6-7) PM

Join our ship's crew as we navigate the waves of time for this expedition through the Museum! Sail to Egypt and decipher a language long past, fly to Pompeii and uncover the bustling city beneath the ash, and trek to China and discover the awesome connection between dinosaurs and dragons.

Spring: I Spy (Ages 4-5) AM

At the ROM there is no shortage of wonderful treasures to feast your eyes on. On your adventures you’ll meet brown bats in a dark cave, bustling bees in a busy hive, animals in art from Egypt, Rome, and beyond. What you see on your museum travels will unleash your imagination and inspire stories,

Spring: Once Upon a Time (Ages 4-5) PM

SOLD OUT What’s the word? History! We’ll learn all about history’s greatest stories in this time-travelling tale. From famous fables to lesser known narratives, we’ll dive deep into the world of ancient story telling.  We’ll learn about the world’s first superhero from Mesopotamia, and



Des visites guidées avec pour thème l’art, la culture et la nature vers des destinations bien documentées dans le monde entier et avec comme accompagnateurs des personnes-ressources qui sont des sommités dans leur domaine. Veuillez noter que ces forfaits ne sont offerts qu'en anglais.

Spring: Dungeons & Dragons (Ages 10-14) AM

Discover the cultures and artifacts that inspired the mysteries, creatures, and weapons from Dungeons & Dragons, and other popular table-top roleplaying games. Navigate ancient ruins and enchanted lagoons, while playing an on-going campaign in a ROM-inspired table-top realm. Create characters,